My husband and I will be traveling from South Florida to the Culver City/Los Angeles area on Sunday.  We're staying through Wednesday.  Anybody have a great restaurant they want to share?

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Comment by Kyung on February 21, 2015 at 15:17

That's weird.  I had to cover for a reporter on Friday bec. she got food poisoning.  I got the e-mail around 8 and I was in Burbank by 10:10.

Must be going around.

Comment by Michele Savoy Parente on February 21, 2015 at 15:14

Hope you are feeling better soon, Janiece.  It takes a long time to feel better from it.  If I wasn't already sick to my stomach, the job I lost due to the food poisoning really made me nauseous.  Why can't I be sick when I have a crummy records custodian depo? 

Comment by Janiece Young on February 21, 2015 at 10:37

Hey, Michele,

I'm no help on the restaurants, but I am recovering from food poisoning too.  It is taking a while for anything to sound good.  

Comment by Kyung on February 20, 2015 at 22:28

I personally like Ruth's Chris.  But it is a chain and I see that you have them in Florida.  There's always Mastro's.  Very high end and nice.  It's in Beverly Hills, which kind of qualifies in the area you're looking, sort of.

There's the Stinking Rose if you like garlic.  Kind of touristy but still fun.  This is more West LAish.
It's kind of over by the Larry Flynt building, just fyi.  I always think it's funny when I drive by that builiding.

Comment by Michele Savoy Parente on February 20, 2015 at 15:12

Great question, Kyung.  Of course it's Murphy's Law that I would come down with food poisoning right before the trip.  I am finally just starting to get my appetite back now.  I can't really do spicy at this time, so I'm thinking of a good steak place.  I would say seafood, but that is what gave me food poisoning, so I'm leery about that.

Comment by Kyung on February 20, 2015 at 6:37

What kind of food are you looking for?  Do you want upscale or just good food?  Are you adventurous?

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