depo held in a state case was not filed what rules apply for waiving or signing?

I am wondering. I had a depo that was filed in the state of Florida. they do a waive or sign automatically at the end of the depo, no chance to change your mind. you have to decide whether you want to waive or sign. the deponents were from CA and were very confused because they didn't know what to do, and under the pressure of the attys they opted to waive, because that's what the attys told them that 'everyone does normally." In this state that law does not apply, so what do I do? do I follow CA laws because that's where the depo was, or do I follow the Floriday laws where the case originated and is filed? the deponents had no representation at all in this depo, by the way.

Thx! Elise Nock

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Comment by Elise Nock on October 13, 2009 at 9:07
that's what I thought. I felt so bad for the deponents. they really didn't want to waive and some of them didn't, but I went ahead and sent them witness notices anyway.
Comment by Veronica Kubat on October 13, 2009 at 9:02
Dunno. But I would think the laws apply in the state where the depo was taken and the deponents reside. I would check with the CSR board.

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