THE WITNESS: Then procedure is skin treatment done, skin checked, clean and examined for any redness or open areas. Dermagran ointment applied to inguinal area and buttocks every shift. Baza Cream 2 percent AF applied to right heel as a skin barrier.
THE REPORTER: If you read just a little slower, I wouldn't have to interrupt so much.
MS. ATTORNEY: And during the breaks, since these are typed, I bet you can clean it up by actually looking at the typed record.
Witness: nurse from the Phillipines (says repositioned like REP-PO-SISHONED, scarring sounds like scary. I can't tell you how many times I wrote "no scary present" and thought what????)
room: in nursing home conference room with loud fan blowing, it's hot, about 200 degrees.
me: bad hungry headache because no breakfast and no lunch break and it's now 1:14 p.m.
I survived and am now reliving the whole day by transcribing it, but am now in my pajamas laughing.
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