I've tried searching for Eclipse scopists on this site and I keep getting "no members match my search criteria" but I know darn well this web site is loaded with scopers. So here I am putting out a blog hoping to get some hits. I need a reliable Eclipse scopist to work with. I a working reporter, micro agency owner, who is just too busy to scope my stuff anymore. Waayyy to overwhelmed. I have one scopist that I currently work with but she has other reporters who keep her pretty well busy so she's not always available. Most of my work is pretty easy employment law, and I consider myself a clean writer. Hope to hear from somebody soon. Thanks.

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Comment by Debbie Gentile on May 21, 2009 at 0:08
Hi Deborah,
I just signed up for this forum to meet some other court reporters and I think it is sooo neat! I have been a court reporter/CART provider for 8 years using Eclipse. I am now here in Tanzania working for the court dealing with the Genocide, but I am looking for extra work scoping. I am 7 hours ahead of you, which could be an advantage, depending what time you give me the job. (smile) Anyway, if you still need someone, my rates are $1.00 p/p (spot checking) and $1.35 p/p (do as video).
Comment by Karen A. Jones on May 15, 2009 at 14:15
E-mail me at kjones1951@yahoo.com, and I'll send you the link to the results of a 2007 rate survey that was taken of over 200 scopists, proofreaders, and transcriptionists.
For that matter, anyone who wants it, just e-mail me.
Comment by Christie Browner on May 15, 2009 at 7:29
I have been a full-time Eclipse scopist for 6 years in July. I have 2 Associate's degrees (Arts & Science) and am even a CRI (Certified Reporting Instructor), albeit I have not put that certification to use yet. I think it is time to raise my rates from what I have read on here. I charge only 0.80 a page, plus 0.10 to listen to the wave file and 0.20 to listen to audio tapes. Yep, I think it is definitely time for a raise for myself.
Comment by Deborah Morin on May 15, 2009 at 6:46
Thank you all for the responses. I will try to get back to everybody today. I have 230 pages that I simply must get off my desk ASAP. Thanks again!
P.S. Monti, I tried in another brower and I still keep getting the message that no members match my search, etc.
Comment by Judy on May 14, 2009 at 18:51
Oh, man, Monti, that means having to install Firefox. For you, I'll do it! I'll get back to you tomorrow morning re results.
Comment by Kelli Combs (admin) on May 14, 2009 at 18:47
Can you please try it on another browser.
Its hard for me to fix it since I can not make the same error happen to me.
Comment by Judy on May 14, 2009 at 18:46

I think Deborah is having the same problem I'm having.
Comment by Lori L. Monroe on May 14, 2009 at 16:45
Do remember Mari Jusino? she used to work for JA also. She now uses Eclipse. She's on this site too. If you want her info, let me know, just in case you can't find her.
Take care,
Comment by Kelli Combs (admin) on May 14, 2009 at 15:49
Mouse over "Got Scopist?" then click on "Eclipse" you should then get hundreds of eclipse scopists.
have you tried that but didnt work?
please let me know.
Comment by Linda Garrison on May 14, 2009 at 15:24
I have been a court reporter in Texas for 18 years but relocated to another state recently which I'm not certified in, so I am scoping and proofreading now. I am on Eclipse 4.3. I charge $1.00 per page for no audio, $1.10 for audio. You can e-mail me at LKGARR129@gmail.com.

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