Halloween Fears - not related to court reporting

Well, it's Halloween. I usually try not to take jobs around holidays. Why? If you've visited my page, you know I have a little girl. And Halloween is one of those days you kind of have to knock off early, pick your kid up from school, caregiver, whoever and take them trick-or-treating. If I take a job, it's usually the attorney who doesn't have a kid (bec. the one's with kids have the same problems I do & they need to go home & take their kid out) and they go on forever. There's no getting out early. But anyway, this is not about court reporting.

So my top Halloween Fears in recent years:

1. Bec. I now have to take my daughter out trick-or-treating, we are not at home to hand out candy. I am afraid that my house will be tp'd in retaliation.

2. I used to be afraid I'd run out of candy. (see above). I'd buy lots of candy, and then end up with tons left over and eat a lot myself. This is not so much a fear anymore. I figure, we'll just give out any candy my daughter picks up this year. She doesn't need to eat all that crap.

3. Future fear - that my daughter will grow up and want to wear all the hoochie/sleazy costumes. What's up with that? Right now, she still wants to be a witch or a fairy princess.

4. There's always the poison candy fear. But I'm not really that scared about. Although in light of recent findings regarding candies from China and Mexico, maybe I should move the fear up on my list.

So in the grand scheme of things, not the scariest of fears, well except for the tp'ing.

Happy Halloween 2008

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Comment by Anthony D. Frisolone on October 31, 2008 at 16:39
Actually, I leave a big pumpkin filled with candy that I bought and most of my kids' candy so the trick or treaters don't bother me. But growing up, the candy was flowing from 2:30 when school let out until, like 7 o'clock at night and we had to answer the door every five minutes. It was amazing. Then, I move out on my own and my neighborhood is really quiet, also. I see kids around but nobody is trick or treating.
Comment by Kyung on October 31, 2008 at 15:05
Do you ever sit in your completely dark house with all the lights off inside and out while you're really, really quiet bec. you've run out of candy?

I used to live in a neighborhood where, I swear to God, they were busing in kids. This neighborhood, not so much.
Comment by Brenda Rogers on October 31, 2008 at 13:48
There is a warning about candy from China -- candy that looks like figures, Halloween shapes -- and it is because of the possibility of melamine. Better safe than sorry. The standard things (M&M/Mars, Tootsie, etc.) are fine.

The scare in the '70s about poisoned candy and razor blades in apples turned out to be a hoax. The very few poisonings that did occur were within families, not from strangers during trick-or-treat. The concern in the '80s was a holdover from the '70s -- before Snopes and things like that were out there to debunk those stories.
Comment by Patricia Babits on October 31, 2008 at 13:04
I am LMAO right nowl I'm having a little anxiety too over if I have enough candy. I should have bought the kind I don't like and not the good chocolate!!
I hated how all the cheerleaders used Halloween as an excuse to dress like a slut and be either a sexy bunny or kitty.
I am super bummed it's raining here. I don't want to mall trick-or-treat.
Comment by Diane Hickman on October 31, 2008 at 12:39
Sad news of our times to be sure. Good for your daycare people to be on the lookout for you.
Comment by Kyung on October 31, 2008 at 12:36
When I dropped off my daughter this morning at daycare, they said beware of White Rabbit brand candy (which is Chinese candy) because it might contain melamine. And they were talking about some Pirate's Gold chocolate coins being recalled bec. of melamine. They're being sold in Canada, but some may have been sold in Costco stores.
Comment by Diane Hickman on October 31, 2008 at 12:09
don't know. Old habits die hard?
Comment by Diane Hickman on October 31, 2008 at 10:45
Hi Kyung. Don't fret.
1. TP costs too much. Tricksters can't get $$ from their parent's wallets for that anymore because of the rise of everything.
2. Take the x-tra candy to your next depo and let the attorneys eat it, rot their teeth out instead of your daughter's (hehe.)
3. By the time she reaches that age, she will undoubtedly be more creative, esp with a mom like you (high-fivin' ya.) My HS senior daughter and her friend are dressing up as a washer & dryer. I'll try to post pics of them.
4. Lighten up. That went out in the '70s.

Remember...it's always darkest before it goes pitch black! Whooooooo...happy Halloween!!!!````!!!!!

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