Diane Hickman
  • Garden Grove, CA
  • United States
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  • tami carlson
  • Janet
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  • Sinéad O'Shea
  • Mary Motley O'Brien
  • debbi
  • Cynthia S. Bicad
  • Tricia McLaughlin
  • Maggie Cline
  • Marla Sharp
  • Shelly Scott
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Diane Hickman's Blog

Stowaway kitty!

Yesterday, during a break in the California storm, my husband and I set out for errands. He started up the engine to our GMC Sierra truck and off we went. As we were driving down the street, we both heard a loud "meow" that sounded as though it came from under the hood. He stopped, looked under the truck and found our kitty, Rocky, had settled himself on top of the spare tire that was positioned under the bed of the truck. Needless to say, we turned back (Rocky was howling the whole time) and… Continue

Posted on December 8, 2009 at 13:59 — 6 Comments

Ready to buy a new laptop...

I have CaseCat8. I currently own a Toshiba Satellite Pro (6 years old) w/Windows 2000 XP, Pentium 4 that has served me well. Lately though when I insert a key memory stick, a box pops up saying my computer is too slow to support the stick. I want to stick with Toshiba because I've never had any problems, but now I know whatever I'm going to buy will have the new Windows (what's it called?) and not XP, so does anybody have any advice for what to buy or what to steer clear of? I'm planning on… Continue

Posted on September 29, 2009 at 16:50 — 2 Comments

Help...I can't find my notes...!

I successfully did it last week, but now I can't find my note file to transcribe & edit. I have CaseCat8. I connected my Stentura 8000 to my laptop using my USB cable to COM1 port. I clicked Read Notes. Great, okay, I see the window "Looking for writer"; found it, there is my file. Great. I click okay and I think it asked me to Append, Overwrite...and I chose Append. Don't know why, but I did. Whoosh, it's gone. Now when I chose to Translate & Edit, I can't find my file. I am sick… Continue

Posted on September 29, 2009 at 9:02 — 3 Comments

Transitioning to caregiver...

Well, my life has officially turned upside down, but I'm still maintaining my sanity. My husband & kids moved back to my childhood home to help care for my ailing mother. I know she hasn't got long on this earth, so this is going to be like a very long last visit with her. She suffered kidney failure, heart attack, underwent dialysis, and she'll be needing all the care a patient with Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) needs to have. If you had told me last year I would be doing this,… Continue

Posted on April 22, 2009 at 17:08 — 7 Comments

The day after Christmas...

Merry Christmas to all of my new friends! My family shared our Christmas morning with two new members, Chad, my daughter Bethany's friend who is a Marine (whorah!) from Pennsylvania and is stationed here at Camp Pendelton (but wants to be in Iraq!) and Joey, my oldest daughter's boyfriend (future son-in-law). We had a wonderful morning opening up gifts, but my son, Mark, kind of got the short end of the stick this year. His Playstation game (an older version of Bugs Bunny) didn't work, and I… Continue

Posted on December 26, 2008 at 10:35 — 1 Comment

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At 16:50 on November 16, 2009, kathy - iamwrdsmth said…
hi, diane,
ck my page, see pics of my dog!!
glad you are out in the CSR working
your friend,
kathy hettick
At 8:54 on August 14, 2009, Melinda Miller said…
Hi Diane, My email is sgilk4@verizon.net. I'll be looking forward to hearing from you soon!
At 22:07 on August 13, 2009, Melinda Miller said…
Hi, Diane!

I would love to talk about my experiences. I would like to hear some of yours, too. I just didn't want to scare the daylights out of the person that was having the problem. Also, I didn't want to make the response too long because I notice people lose their attention span if it's too long. Any time you're ready, tell me how to proceed.

Nice hearing from you!

At 13:26 on August 12, 2009, Cristi Lyn Willard said…
Hi Diane,
I briefly read your bio, I too went to SCC, but years and years ago.
I'm still having a problem w/ printing. I'm not too computer savy. Can you call me? 714-514-9105. I'm home all day. I would really appreciate it.
At 15:47 on February 9, 2009, Cynthia S. Bicad said…
Hey Diane,
How are you? Did you apply for Riverside Courts? Let me know. I don't know if you have my number any longer but here is my e-mail and we can contact each other through there. cbicad1998@yahoo.com
At 14:20 on December 3, 2008, Mary Motley O'Brien said…
They were worried about preeclamsia too but I tell ya, I have not had any swelling at all in my hands ankles feet, nothing. It's just alllll in my belly. I look sooo big but she is actually small. I was 36 weeks Monday but she's measuring a little over 32 weeks, and three weeks ago, she only weighed 3 pounds, 15 ounces, so if she only gains another pound by the 15th, then she'll barely be 5 pounds...but we will find out tomorrow.
I'll cross my fingers for you on the hearing test! Enjoy your holiday season =)
At 14:07 on December 3, 2008, Mary Motley O'Brien said…
Thanks, Diane. This is the wonderful thing about having a child later in life....we are sooo ready for it and enjoying every second of the process...or at least I have been up until the last couple weeks. I have soooo much amniotic fluid, that's why I am extra uncomfortable. It's hard to even enjoy laying around and napping and eating, I'm just ready to see her shining little face =)
At 13:42 on December 3, 2008, Mary Motley O'Brien said…
Hi there. I didn't know you didn't know I was pregnant. Yes, it is my first. I quit working a couple weeks ago and I am sooooo tired and achy and, etc. etc...! Read my response in the blog again and I describe what's been going on with my blood pressure. We will find out tomorrow if they're going to induce me earlier than the 15th, otherwise, the 15th it will be =) I plan on taking off until about March or so.
How have you been?
At 21:55 on November 24, 2008, Cynthia S. Bicad said…
Hey saw you at South Coast for the test. Sorry I didn't have a chance to talk to you. How do you think you did on the transcription portion. I wish we had time to talk. But I was already seated at my chair when I saw you walk in and then I opted to not type it out and left. I wish you luck. I hope you got it. I saw your blog about the computer. I hope all is well. TTYL
At 8:35 on September 23, 2008, Diane Hickman said…
Hello Denise. I went to SCCCR at night after my school (Lee College of Court Reporting) closed down. I type recorded reports (computer only) and other documents as needed. My job is low key, low stress, which gives me time to practice or do transcripts. Sure beats flipping burgers, until I can get to court. Yah!

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