Horrible StenoCat “scopist” IMO...

Tracy Cortesi. In my professional opinion, unless you want late and incomplete scoping jobs, I do not recommend this gal.

Just horrible.

Other than that, have a great day, peeps!

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Comment by Tracy A Cortesi on September 9, 2019 at 6:01

Well, Donna Foster.  That is completely untrue.  The job we are talking about was over 1300 pages.  If we're going to tell the story, let's tell the whole story.  First of all, I was a reporter for many years and a scopist for 25.  But I won't air all our dirty laundry on this venue.  I'll show some class and professionalism.  however, let me say that I literally had to threaten calling her agency and the board for California CR in order to receive payment.  I won't go into all that brought this unfortunate circumstance to a head, however, if you continue to try to smear my name, there will be repercussions.  

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