Hello everyone-

So my first job as a working reporter is a hearing. I've heard that hearings are generally short, and that's about all I know. What should I expect in a hearing? Is there anything "special" I need to do beforehand to be prepared? Thanks in advance for all your help.

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Comment by Janet on January 26, 2013 at 6:51

I just saw this, Lindsey. I assume you already took this job.   How did it go? 

When I saw that it was a motion for summary judgment, my stomach dropped a bit.  I would never send someone new to a motion for summary judgment.  They tend to be fast and heated, people talking over each other.  I'm hoping that wasn't your experience.  

Jobs like that won't kill you, and they actually will make you better.  I was thrown into the fire as a new reporter myself.  They sent me to a hearing at police headquarters for my first job.  It was a nightmare.  My second job they sent me to bankruptcy court for a hearing with probably ten lawyers.  I admit I ran for cover and worked at the Industrial Accident Board for two years before I got more confidence in myself.  I hate to see agencies do that to new reporters.  The reason they do it is that most reporters won't take jobs like that.  They're more concerned with covering the schedule and going home than about what it will do to someone first starting out. 

Are you using audio sync with your software? 


Comment by Lindsey Ashworth on January 16, 2013 at 16:20

lol I'll keep my fingers crossed all goes well.

Comment by Jane McGill on January 16, 2013 at 16:18

Well, those are usually not bad, but in this business, NEVER say NEVER!

Comment by Lindsey Ashworth on January 16, 2013 at 14:13

Thanks guys for the information. I don't have a recorder yet for audio, but I'll be getting one asap.

Jane, It's a Motion for Summary Judgement hearing. It's set for 9:00-9:30 am

Comment by Mary Jo Cochran on January 16, 2013 at 4:55

Don't forget that fifteen minutes.  f you are chesty, make sure you wear a shirt that won't pop open in the middle.  Make sure you have taken care of all your bathoroom needs that may arise for at least three hours (double protection if necessary).  Have a second pad of paper sitting right next to you.  If you are using a backup audio, take a little Olympus with USB ($80).  You have these things covered, and you won't be sitting there overwhelmed thinking about them. 

When you sit down for the depo, acknowledge everyone with a quick glance.  Let us know how it goes.

Comment by Jane McGill on January 16, 2013 at 1:24

Hi, Lindsey,  I saw no one has posted to this yet, but if your hearing is in the morning, I don't know how much good this does.  What type of hearing?  In my area, hearings can be short, or they can be long and drawn out. Make sure you get there at least 15 minutes early so you can get set up without being frazzled.  Get your paperwork with the information on parties, etc., and introduce yourself if there is time.  Sometimes, the attorneys forget to make the introduction step, and this way, you make sure there aren't any last-minute substitutions from what's listed on your information sheet.

Just go in and be professional, but also enjoy it.  It's your first job as a working reporter.  You've worked hard for this chance and you'll do great!!

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