For those hard-to-hear recordings or when you're monitoring your audio recording at a depo through your microphone, try the
Boostaroo headphone amplifier. I recently had a super quiet depo, and this little amplifier made it crystal clear. Hard to believe how much it helped, really.
I velcroed my
mini keyboard to the top of my Stylus for quick and easy editing on the fly. With the display flipped up, the keyboard rests on a thin strip of velcro that runs along with edge of the opening for the display. Works great.
I used to use this
wireless mini keyboard with my Stentura. Just velcroed it to the top. Handy.
I always carry my
travel tray that I attach to my spare tripod so I have a place for my laptop in those tight situations where I don't have a table.
Can't even tell you how many times I've used my back cushions. Actually it's so rare that I get a comfortable chair, I use both of them almost every day. I use a
cushy one that ties onto the chair and also a
self-inflating smaller one when I'm still just a little too far from my machine.
When I first saw this wrist rest at a convention, I thought it was silly, something I'd never use, let alone have room for in my bag. I was wrong on all counts. I use it every day. It creates a close-by, comfortable place to rest your wrists. I'm a lot less fatigued at the end of a depo now thanks to this handy contraption -
steno wrist support.
I recently bought an ACER Aspire netbook for $350 at Costo. It has a 160GB hard drive in it. I love it. I can either run Bridge on it for an attorney or use it as my depo laptop. I tried velcoring it to the top of my Stylus, and it worked great. Now I take up less table space, and my laptop couldn't be closer.

Can't forget about my favorite earphones, which are pretty much any earphone made by Shure.
Shure earphones rock. They don't hurt your ears, they don't allow outside noise in (though they're not necessarily noise-cancelling, which I personally don't like because the buzz or whatever sound it emits gives me a headache), and they fit easily in your purse. I've used Shure earphones for years now, but I recently bought a new pair that work in my iPhone as well. So it has a mic in it so I can take calls, and it fits in my headphone jack in my laptop so that I only need one set of earphones. Click
here for those.
Just recently bought these
daisy-chain microphones that are awesome. Keith Vincent recommended them at the Vegas Eclipse convention. Basically, it's a USB sound card (bypasses your internal sound card) that you plug these little daisy-chained mics into. I was in an arbitration this week, and I placed a mic at each counsel's table. The audio came out great - much better than it had the last time I was there. Plus, there's a headphone jack for monitoring the audio recording, which is handy if you have someone soft-spoken far away from you. It's on sale for $199, and it's well worth it.
NEW BACK CUSHION!! I'm sooo loving my new back cushion. It's from
Relax the Back. It's a bit big to carry, but I just slide it over the extended handle of my steno case and plop my briefcase over it. Easy. It is THE BEST back cushion I've ever used.
I'm always looking for more gadgets or products that make my life easier, so let me know if you have anything you love.
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