There's lots of discussions on here about backing up your data. And I know you're always wondering what's a good website. There's also a thread about Carbonite.

Well, here's your chance to start your new year off right and back up everything so you won't lose anything. And they're having a sale.

Usually it's $49.95/year. Two-year subscription is $89.95. Three years is $134.95,

But right now you can sign up and get 15% off. That's a deal. So $42.45 for one year, $76.45 for 2 years, and $114.70 for three years. That's a good deal. I used to pay$9.95/month on Xdrive for 50 GB. This is unlimited. Not bad.

If you're afraid of commitment, try a 15-day free trial. But be aware that your wav files and pictures will not be backed up. That is only available in a fully paid subscription.

So here's the link. 15% discount on Carbonite. I'm not sure how long it will last.

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Comment by Kyung on January 4, 2009 at 17:53
So I take it you carry your laptop from home to work and vice versa. Therefore, you're hooking up to the Internet when you're at home; right? So when you're hooked up to the Internet, it will be saving your files in the background while you go about your daily business.
Comment by Kyung on January 4, 2009 at 15:54
Yes, it needs to be connected to the Internet to save. But it does its work in the background. So do you have two computers? One for work and one for home?

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