Okay, Kathryn, here goes:

1. First and foremost, be the kind of mom my kids are proud of.

2. Be the kind of wife my husband looks forward to waking up with every day.

3. Take at least two family vacations out of state/country a year.

4. Qualify in all three legs of the NCRA speed contest in one sitting before I die.

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Comment by Tami on May 27, 2009 at 14:15
Well, gdw, if I die today, tomorrow . . . I sure had a fun ride AND look forward to the next phase!
Comment by Glen Warner on May 27, 2009 at 12:54
Well, hopefully that gets me there faster, gdw, as we all know dying is as close as a moment away.

True ...!

I am working on an article for ol' Cheap and Sleazy on affirmations. One of my examples will be what happened to one woman who used "before I die" in her affirmation (yes, that's right -- she accomplished her goal, and died right after).

That's why I recommend not writing #4 as you have.

"For a Good (steno) Time ...."
Comment by Tami on May 27, 2009 at 12:13
Well, hopefully that gets me there faster, gdw, as we all know dying is as close as a moment away.

I think there were only two reporters who qualified in all three legs two years ago and three this past year, SO I hope I live a very long time. :)
Comment by Glen Warner on May 27, 2009 at 2:48
Tami --

I would rewrite #4 as "Qualify in all three legs of the NCRA speed contest in one sitting," leaving off the "before I die" bit. Let's not tempt fate, here ...!

"For a Good (steno) Time ...."

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