I saw this incredible news story and couldn't resist passing it along here. A Philadelphia 8-year-old is being called a hero after he helped his pregnant mother, who lost the ability to see while driving, steer her car through a mile of traffic intersections until he could find a safe place for her to stop. I imagine she felt a lot like the blind man in the picture.
Click here to see video.
Our kids are so amazing, aren't they? I have my own story which is not quite as dramatic but (I feel) worth sharing. When we lived in Japan before we had moved on base, my daughter was in the first grade. (The picture to the right is her passport picture! She was thrilled!) Anyway, we went out sightseeing in our car and promptly got lost. Problem -- the signs were all in Kanji and Katakana.

Problem solved -- my daughter steered us home since she recognized enough of the surroundings as those on her bus route from our house to school and was able to get us back home safe and sound!
Otherwise, we might have had to pull out our business card note which the Navy gave us upon arrival in Japan which stated in
Kanji and Katakana that we were lost and to please give us directions to the Navy base.
Any other heroic children stories out there?
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