So I'm reading the Twilight series by Stephanie Meyers. I am overwhelmingly annoyed by the heroine Bella. And the dialogue is just too Romeo & Juliet-ish. "I leave my heart with you."
Twilight - Wouldn't it have been easier to just let her get smashed by the car and then make her into a vampire? Of course, that would then negate the whole raison d'etre for the books.
New Moon - End of story, same situation as above. Not a car, but attacked by another vampire. I kind of liked the chapters that were just titles denoting the passage of time.
Eclipse - What's the deal with not getting married? She want to spend eternity w/him and yet she's worried about marriage. The whole three-way love triangle is harsh, and you have to be some kind of idiot to realize that you're not attracted to someone.
Haven't read Breaking Dawn yet or Midnight Sun.
So why do I keep reading if I don't think the books are so great? I don't know. I like the Cullen family.
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