Click here for a great site for words or phrases that are often misunderstood, mispoken, and misspelled.

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I love that link. Man, I sure could have used that a couple days ago. I was brain dead and had trouble trying to ascertain the difference between "piece of mind" and "peace of mind." After an extensive Google search, I got it, but when I am tired, I have trouble with some word definitions. I guess it's old age. :(

Another one is "sea change" and "see change." Though "sea change" is the right one, I have seen it as one word and hyphenated too.

And I have a mental block on these three words: immanent, imminent, and eminent. For the life of me, each and every time they come up in a transcript, I have to look up the meanings of these words to ensure I have the right one.

I hate proofing documents, but I have to do it sometimes. I often see the wrong word usage for these words: discreet/discrete and underway/under way.

I am going to read through that link some more. I love those kinds of references. Thanks, Marla, for a wonderful tool! :)


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