In the spirit of sharing and caring, I thought it would be great to have a place to post a list of scopists or proofreaders we really like, people who consistently do a great job and have proven to be reliable.

Please keep your comments simple and to the point. Any random or negative posts will be deleted by Monti, the site administrator. If you disagree with a posting, please contact the person directly rather than post anything negative here.

Please list (1) who you're recommending, (2) why, and (3) their email address or a link to their CSRnation profile.

Here's my recommendation:
PROOFREADER: Chris Renegar,,
He used to be a medical transcriptionist and is very reliable, very smart, and very nice.

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I also recommend Deborah Smolinske as an Eclipse scopist. She is very professional, smart, and responsible. I know with her I don't have to worry about getting my job back not just on time but usually early.
CASE CATALYST SCOPIST: I am recommending Michelle Carillo. There was a few weeks where she had an emergency and couldn't work. I didn't know what I was going to do. There are not many people I trust with my transcripts, and I found out why that was so when Michelle was off.
Michelle has proven to be a major benefit in my work. She allows me to have a life again. She does my cert pages, researches, indexes exhibits when she can. I just can't say enough good things. She's reliable and takes pride in her work. She saved me from quitting the profession totally. I was completely burned out. She is an excellent scopist.
ECLIPSE SCOPIST: Kara Dickinson, Kara is a very skilled scopist, reads steno, is very reliable and nice to work with. She is the very best I've found!
I have been using Chris Renegar for the five months and have been very, very pleased. Love how easy it is to make corrections from what he has sent back. Would highly recommend.
I recommend Carol Brown. She works on Eclipse. After several years of working together, we have a fantastic relationship. Over my 20 years or so reporting, I have been through countless scopers and proofers and none can compare to her. She always tries to do things "the client's way," She has a fantastic work ethic and always gets the job done when I need it. And it doesn't hurt that her close friend was the English teacher at Bryan College of Los Angeles for many years and is considered an authority on grammar. When in doubt, we say, "Let's ask Margie!" She's also very nice and easy-going. Her email is And every time I try to apologize for having a bad writing day and sending her a bunch of &(%%$^, she says, don't worry about it, I like typing in stuff!
ECLIPSE SCOPIST/PROOFREADER. I highly recommend Holly Hanks. She is extremely detail oriented. Prefers audiosync! Excellent grammar and spelling skills. Can find anything! Very adept at technology. You can't go wrong here. I use her for everything. Absolutely nothing is too technical for her. She has asked me assist her in taking on another reporter. Hurry and grab this opportunity for an excellent scopist!
PROOFREADER JODY RAKE, - Jody is professional, SMART, has a great turnaround, experience as a technical writer, excellent at medical, and just an overall great person. Two thumbs up from this reporter.
She's knowledgeable, reliable, accurate. Great turnaround.
Here's my recommendation:
Robert Arconti - reliable and very nice, great turnaround time!
PROOFREADER: Laura Tirronen

I recently used Laura for the first time. I was very nervous about using a proofreader but couldn't have been more pleased and happy with Laura's work. GREAT communication, excellent proofreading, fast turnaround....what more could you ask for??
I second that emotion, Donna, about Laura Tirronen. She's awesome. Smart and fast!!
My recommendation is Chris Renegar. Chris has been my favorite proofreader for over 10 years. He is thorough and very diligent. He has saved me from disaster many, many times. Chris' years and variety of experience make his proofreading a wonderful asset for a reporter.


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