Having a wonderful profitable combination magazine/on-line directory can be a means of avoiding having to raise membership dues to pay all the court reporter association costs.
I came across a wonderful, wonderful combination magazine/on-line directory published by the Private Investigator Magazine.
Any state or national court reporter association could use the format of the Private Investigator Magazine to set up a combination magazine/on-line directory of freelance agencies.
When excellent service, such as given in the Private Investigator Magazine, is offered to freelance agencies, those agencies will want to invest their money in ads in state and national court reporter magazines and newsletters.
The Private Investigator Magazine leads the way in having a wonderful combination magazine directory and on-line directory.
It's always nice to have a extra actual profit money from willing advertisers. All court reporter associations need additional incomee to pay for the costs of running the association and to hold dues increases down.
It seems the magazine/website directory is not rocket science and that anyone with a little computer skill could easily update the directory and scan it into the magazine or website.
Prices seem to be wonderful for the users.
Also it seems to offer great service to ad buyers in that the on-line version of the ad directory has links to the advertiser websites -- A REAL PLUS FEATURE
Also, there are e-mail links in the on-line version of the Private Investigator.
The great thing about an ad section such as the one above is that you don't have to start from scratch and that you have a successful working example to follow.
Also the Private Investigator Magazine could probably be contacted to answer any questions.
It's all about the best service to the membership and making having a profitable magazine/on-line directory to help pay association expenses.
Some people have said their freelance agency members CANNOT afford the ad prices for ads.
The Private Investigator Magazine seems to offer affordable ads of small and large size.
And the wonderful thing is that the Private Investigator ad section is a working thriving prosperous ad section making a profit, a good example to follow.
The Private Investigator ad section gives excellent service to its advertisers and is extremely user friendly.
For sure state and national court reporter associations need to raise additional revenue, and having an ad section that gives more profit and offers great service is something those associations might want to consider.
You could still improve on the Private Investigator Magazine by using an indexing system of providing a listing of all cities listed followed by the actual ads arranged in geographic order by city.
Such good indexing is based on travel directories and a proven method to making a user friendly ad section which is easy for readers to use.
It seems to me that any state or national court reporter association setting up a good thriving and profitable magazine or newsletter freelance agency directory combined into a website directory will be setting itself up to receive dividends for life.
If the freelance agency advertisers are pleased with the service they are given with the newsletter freelance agency/website directory, the advertisers will advertise for life.
Then the ad revenues from the freelance agency directories will flow in each year to the associations just as if the associations were receiving dividends from stock.
Also, former NCRA President Jerry With used to offer freelance agency consulting services to other freelance agencies for a hundred dollars per hour, and Jerry has had the first freelance agency ad in the NCRA Journal of Court Reporting Court Reporter Listings for about 25 years.
So freelance agency owners should realize the great, great value of having ads in court reporter association newsletters and on court reporter websites if a man that charged $100 per hour for court reporting consulting has had such an ad for 25 or more years.
Most court reporter associations are not taking advantage of using their great resources of their newsletters and websites to their fullest when they don't provide freelance agency directories, the profits from which will come to the court reporter associations each year as welcome dividends.