Welcome to CSR Nation
I am new to this site, and I am only a court reporting student working on qualifying in my school. But I am wondering about some "revealing information" that is shared on this forum. I see reporters referring to deponents as "blubbering bozos" or some type of desciptive terminology similar to this, and I see reporters revealing a lot of annoyances with the attorneys they work with. If you are using your real names, is this information able to be viewed by anyone who might be perusing the internet? Namely, the aforementioned attorneys? I think many of us think the Internet is a "safe" way of speaking our minds, when in reality many professionals -- teachers, doctors, etc -- are getting themselves in hot water when they reveal too many thoughts. I just thought I might sound a little warning to some who might feel free to vent online.
Absolutely true, Elaine. Everyone should be careful what they say because anyone can read what you post. I always go by the motto that if I don't want anyone to see it, then don't write it.
In this day and age, everyone knows that people can see what you write. I cannot have this website private because I have a map under "Cover Depos" that has to have access to the internet for people to post job offers. Otherwise, I'd close the site and have it private. This website is most known and very popular for reporters getting work all over the country, so I need to have it open and not private. The social part of the website is an afterthought and secondary.
An attorney I once worked for (for eight years) said to never write anything you wouldn't mind having printed on the front page of the newspaper. I try to keep that in mind. You can also delete your posts.
Great advice. I've also heard not to post anything you wouldn't put on a post card.
When I realized I could Google my name and bring up these posts, I deleted my last name from CSR Nation and just use an initial. But even that didn't completely work because Google still sees my CSR nation page as showing my last name. Perhaps in time that will fade away.
I just use my first name for that very reason. I don't want comments out there for everyone to see.
I even had some reporter copying and pasting my comments here to my boss of my main firm, obviously jealous of the fact I'm one of the top reporters there, trying to dethrone me. She used a email address that could not be traced and my boss could not figure out who she was, obviously a member of this website. I realized I couldn't even be honest about what happens at the firms I work for and even though I never mentioned who they are. There are some very bitter people out there that can't wait to take your place. Definitely keeps you on your toes.
If it doesn't matter who sees it, I type it. If it matters, I say it. This includes anywhere on the internet and anything that can be forwarded. I'm all over the internet with forums, reviews, and tons of things but never cringe at anything that I might click on when searching my name. I have frequently emailed someone and said, "Call me for more details because I'll share verbally but not in writing." And of course the phone rings right away and a very nice chat ensues!
"obviously a member of this website"
I just wanted to check and see if I was right about this: You don't have to be a member of this website to get in and see what is said here. You can even copy the text like I just did after signing out. You just can't post if you're not a member. Who knows who did that to you, Kelli. That is creepy.
It was someone that works with my agency and wasn't obviously getting enough work. That's the only thing I can think of. It had to be another court reporter because she knew the district manager's email address to send her quotes from me.
This was on the CourtReporterSite.com website that I had and that website was private, so it was a member. I have a pretty good idea who it was, but no proof of course. I would just complain about that thinking the office was billing for both RT and roughs and only paying the reporter for RT. I'd post stuff like that. I never mentioned the name of the firm, but apparently this reporter knew who I was talking about and what firm I worked with. Pretty sad really.
Now I don't post anything about the agencies I work with.
Wow. If you can't win on skill, stoop to tactics like that, huh?
You pretty much said it all.
In hindsight, though, maybe it was a good thing; made me realize you have to be careful what you say on the internet.
I still get all the best work, so her little tactic backfired.
Best to think that NOTHING is private when typing anything on the internet, so be careful of the language you use, too, as you say.
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