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And now your body is producing chimeric proteins in perpetuity and your DNA is being irreparably, yes, irreparably changed to chimeric (non human) AI compatible, synthetic DNA and your immune system wrecked for all time into the future.  You'll likely be required to take additional shots for the rest of your life to deal with the never ending mutations that all of you who took the shots are now producing - you are becoming a vaccine factory literally - that was the plan - and you are now patentable, ownable by whoever made the vaccines you have been and will be injected with which means you are now a slave and totally controllable by AI.  This will not end well for you either.  You have been uploaded with a very real operating system (ModeRNA says so) which will sync with 5G and 6G technology connecting you to the blockchain.  Your future money is Diem (formerly Libra) crypto currency.  Most people are completely unprepared to live free of this new AI quantum computer controlled system, so, like you, too many have and will sell their birthright for a mess of terminal stew just because they want to believe the lie that things will get back to normal.  Your new chimeric genes will also be passed on to any future progeny you create.  The changes going on inside your body now cannot be reversed.  I wish you had not taken the jab.  You will wish you had not done so in 4 to 18 months.  Anytime I hear the mainstream media call something or someone "conspiracy theory/theorist", I figure I'd better pay attention to it, cuz it's most probably the truth being stomped upon.  You should have done your research into what is actually in the vax and the SARS Covid, the actual components, and what they actually do in the body, before you ever took that eternally fatal jab.  The technology injected into you is so high level and the changes now occurring in your body so insidious and damaging on a molecular level that I won't be surprised if you cannot even understand all I've just written here. 

I appreciate your experience, Stephen, and those in your family.  That's awesome that your vision actually improved.  I'm not sure if you were asking about more info on the debate between Dershowitz and Kennedy, or you were asking about something else.  The debate was on YT "Heated Vaccine Debate - Kennedy Jr., vs Dershowitz." I personally would like the option since I've not had any issue with covid, nor has my family.  And I'm not afraid of getting covid and getting over covid.  We know more as a world about covid today than we do the vaccines.  I'd prefer for more time to pass and more knowledge to be gained on the vaccines as has been gained on covid.

Watch the movie Vaxxed II about all the children that just take all the vaccines they are required to take and get autism and some even die.  

The COVID vaccine is no different but the side effects are worse.

I love this discussion, but I better leave the group or I'll have so many emails to delete I'll lose my mind :)

You don't have to leave the group. You can turn off the notifications/follow.

I tried, but I still kept getting the emails.  I'm afraid to turn off all emails in case there's something else to see!

Just go to your settings and uncheck all the email notifications ones.  I did that and I get no more notifications of when a new post comes up.  If I want to see what's going on here, I just come to the site and check out new postings.  You don't have to leave this discussion that way.

The Covid vaccine does not contain Covid. It’s totally different than other vaccines you may have had or read about. Disappointing that this non political discussion resulted in my vaccine positive, actual results comments were deleted so a negative narrative would be dominant. Good luck to you all.

All you posted was a lady laughing, so I thought that was inappropriate if that's what you are talking about, Stephen.  I did not find that helpful at all.  We are here to find answers; not be sarcastic.

Good luck to you in your future years, Stephen.

This is from the COVID Vax Reactions group and not on this discussion board I wanted to share:  One person's story on my personal website: I have not personally had the vax and do not want it. I have two people on a text message group currently we are praying for who have had serious reactions to the vax. One gentleman had 2 shots (don't know which brand) and ended up in a coma on a ventilator; is now off the vent, can't talk, had a brain bleed and a stroke. Another gentleman in his 70s received the Moderna shot, had severe swelling within 24 hours, received steroid injection for swelling, They believe he has giant cell arteritis (see Mayo Clinic for info) and can lead to permanent blindness. He lost all but 2% sight in his left eye and 25% in his right eye. They have determined it is a result to the vax. He had no underlying issues. As of 2 weeks ago, he has lost all sight in both eyes. I also think we are the guinea pigs for these vaccines that were rushed through the process. All the attys and staff in my trial have had the vax. I predict working in any type of a gov't facility will one day require the vax. There was a debate I didn't get to watch all of between Dershowitz and Robert F.? Kennedy about being required to take the vax. Dershowitz was on the side of it is constitutionally required to take a vax for a sickness that is highly contagious. I didn't listen much after that only based on my time restrictions. I heard somewhere there will only be about 20% of the population that will end up not taking it. Thank you, Kelli, for starting this informative discussion!


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