Hello everybody,

I'm a postgraduate student who has been scoping for a long time to work his way through schooling. I have 10+ years of experience, mostly with Case Catalyst, worked primarily for a Federal reporter. My experience with the legal industry is both wide and deep, bolstered by a 2 1/2 year stint as a clerk of court. I have a lot of experience with medical malpractice, personal injury, medical experts and terminology, etc. Looking for a reporter! I'm in the Philly area, but in this day and age, geography is irrelevant. Scoping with audio is preferred. Look forward to hearing from you!

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Hi Brian,

It looks like you come into this field with a wealth of experience. Thanks for sharing
that information. I work with Eclipse myself.

Whenever I've used my marketing methods, I've always gotten a court reporter from
Philadelphia!! Let me know if you need any suggestions.


Ms. Devon Roberts
Hi Devon,

Thanks for your nice comment. Haven't got any leads through this site yet, and if you've got suggestions for anything that's worked for you in getting reporters, I'd love to hear them!

Thanks again,
Well, if you'd like to know feel free to send an email to me as I don't want to share
all of my trade secrets ;) to the world.

I can be reached through drscoping@gmail.com.

Happy scoping in the meantime!!

Hi, Brian.

With your experience, court reporters needing scoping help will salivate over you! :)

Of course, they have to know about you, and there's nothing like the telephone as a get-acquainted tool!

You may know this, but the Court Reporters Sourcebook, published by the NCRA every year, is on sale for $10 right now. It's the 2008 version, but the 2009 version at around $65 will contain most of the same listings plus the addition of new reporters. It's generally easier to work with more seasoned reporters, although one of my best in the past was right out of school and a real pro from the get-go.

I sometmes jokingly tell my clients that the use of e-mail and the Internet is the coward's way out because they're afraid to pick up the phone and just go directly to the source -- the court reporter. Most reporters don't eat scopists alive, and personal contact can really pay off!

Good luck with your scoping career!

Warm regards,

Judy Barrett
Scoping Training Consultant


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