Hello, has anyone ever had problems with the Lenovo T61 and Eclipse audio? When I try to record audio and then playback, when I playback I can't understand anything. You can tell it recorded but it kind of seems like there is a lot of static that is garbling the audio. I don't really know how to explain it better than that. All my setting are right bcuz I went through them with an Eclipse person and I tested my mic on my desktop so that doesn't seem to be the problem. Anyone have any ideas how to fix this? I've attached a sample audio if anyone wants to hear.

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My USB mic works great, the only thing is that in order for it to record properly I have to open up volume control, select options, properties, recording and set it to my USB mic every time because it always defaults to my internal mic which is the one that doesn't work. I also got this advice from a CR friend of mine: "I suspect your problem is related to the internal sound card in your computer. Many of the new computers have lousy sound cards, mine included. You can buy an external sound card and that will greatly improve your sound quality. I have provided a link below to the one I have. You can get it online or possibly at Fry's Electronics.


I used a $12 microphone by Labtec or one similar thereto.


I should be betting my external sound card today and I'm going to try that option too so I'll let you know how that works compared to the USB mic.


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