Jane McGill
  • Female
  • Odessa, Texas
  • United States
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  • Cale McCabe
  • Emily C. Warrick
  • Christine (Steno Nerd)
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Realtime freelance reporter
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What is your CSR number if you're a court reporter?
Texas 1759, New Mexico 125

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Jane McGill's Blog

help with obstetrical term

I am working on a depo with an Indian baby doctor! He said he placed her in the something position for delivery and then they prepped the perineum. It sounds like peritardum position or bellitardum or something like that. I've googled till I can't google any more. Any help?

Posted on June 22, 2009 at 15:37 — 6 Comments

Court reporting demo at 8:00 a.m. May 6th--need help with info

It's 3:00 p.m. and I've just been asked to step in and do a career day at a local high school at 8:00 tomorrow. I've done this before, so that part doesn't bother me. However, it's been quite some time since I've done one and don't have any demo statistics, like schooling, cost, etc. Since things have changed and now some of it is online, I'm somewhat out of my element on that end. If anyone has any information that I can put into a one-hour presentation, I would appreciate it, either written… Continue

Posted on May 5, 2009 at 13:11 — 2 Comments

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At 22:01 on March 19, 2009, Kelli Combs (admin) said…
I have added you to my MSN, if for some reason it doesn't work add me, its muntaser_m@hotmail.com
At 15:37 on March 18, 2009, Kelli Combs (admin) said…
Hi jane,
do you have MSN messenger?
if yes i can start a session and take over your computer and try to look at your browsers settings.
I have no idea what it is, if i take over your computer via MSN (you see exactly what i am doing) i can **maybe fix the issue.

The feature in the MSN messenger is called "remote assistance".

let me know.
At 9:21 on March 13, 2009, Lin said…
Hello & thank you so much for the birthday wishes. My day was filled with goodness & fun. I am so excited about it. Again thanks & have a beautiful day.
At 17:51 on February 25, 2009, Robin Fritz said…
Happy Birthday, Jane!
At 12:39 on February 25, 2009, Kelli Combs (admin) said…
Happy Birthday, Jane!
At 23:35 on February 12, 2009, Jeannie Wright said…
Jane! So good to hear from you! Sorry it's taken me so long - I have had pneumonia for a month- yuck! At any rate....

Congratulations on your daughter's graduation! Oh, that must make you so proud - and, finally, the school bills will eventually be going down instead of racking up, right?! My son graduates from high school in May, then I will be paying for 2 college educations - I'm beyond broke just thinking about that! LOL!

Oooooh,.,,,,,,new grandbaby! What a jooy that must be! I know grandchildren must be the most wonderful thing! What are you knitting? Did you do booties?! I learned to knit when my daughter was born - she had colic and I had to hold her constantly, so I taught myself to knit! Currently, I am knitting a simple Chanel cardigan out of Top of the Lamb cream aran - Oh---have you tried the new Kollage SQUARE knitting needles - you have GOT to get a pair - they are so great and the hand fatigue and wrist fatigue is NIL!

Well, I will let my court administrator know about you - we only have one reporter who is handling all the murders - our other reporter is still struggling with passing her NCRA certification--I don't know what the problem is, but she is really having a time of it -- so I got a list yesterday and it's sort of heavy - so I'll pass your name on!

PLEASE let me know about that new baby and good luck to your family! Take care and say Hi when you get a chance - I know you are busy! It's good to hear from you -- and I may be over that way really soon, so I need to know how to get hold of you, okay? We can do lunch!
At 13:07 on January 28, 2009, Kelli Combs (admin) said…
So you installed our toolbar on your new computer? well, lets try this then
uninstall it and lets see what happens.
let me know.
At 15:40 on January 27, 2009, Kelli Combs (admin) said…
I am so sorry, i have no idea why it is not working.
I have tried it on my IE7 (i normally use Firefox) and it worked.

Its something with our site since its working on other sites, i just cant think of what it could possibly be.
Let me look further into this, i might have a solution for you.

At 15:21 on January 27, 2009, Kelli Combs (admin) said…
Hi Jane,
I am not sure why your back button doesn't work any more.
what browser are you using? please provide the version if possible.
also, is it only not working on CSRnation? try other sites.

Please let me know, i will try to figure out something.

At 11:33 on January 21, 2009, Ray Burchette CLVS CCVS said…
Hi Jane,
Thank you for all your help. Yes Sharon was as able to find someone, I am not sure if it was a CR that you recommended. I have a second home in Horseshoe Bay TX. There is a lot of people from Odessa in the Horseshoebay community.

Best Regards

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