Christine (Steno Nerd)
  • Female
  • Los Angeles, CA
  • United States
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Christine (Steno Nerd)'s Discussions

Wide Keys & Felt Tips?
8 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Christine (Steno Nerd) Oct 20, 2009.

Laptop/Steno Machine Roller?
16 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Terri Turner, RMR, CRR Aug 5, 2009.

Steno Nerd


On Valentine's Day last Friday, I received one of the best gifts ever -- my official CSR license arrived in the mail!  I am CSR license No. 13911!  I love that number!  13 signifies the year I graduated from court reporting school and  911 is the easiest phone number to remember!  Perfect!

It was an extra sweet bonus to receive my long-awaited CSR license last Friday because my hubby and I already had plans to spend the weekend in Las Vegas!  So our road trip became even more memorable since we had this culmination of my court reporting journey to celebrate.  God is so good! :)

Here are some pics from our time in Las Vegas.  Enjoy! :)

 We're finally here!  The road trip took 5 hours!  Yikes!

Overlooking the Strip

 My delicious gelato and wafer from the Venetian
Look!  It's my favorite baker!  I love Cake Boss! :) 

 Overlooking the gondolas of the Venetian

A beautiful cake displayed at the Bellagio 

 All made out of chocolate!  Inside the Bellagio.

The serene fountain pools of the Bellagio
 Humongous gorgeous flower arrangement at the Bellagio

 The very cool lobby at the Bellagio

The awesome Caesar's Palace

Even The Forum Shops' trash cans are freakin' cool!  Haha.

Yellow diamond display at Tiffany's inside The Forum Shops of Caesar's Palace

 2014 Year of the Horse!
Inside the Conservatory & Botanical Gardens of the Bellagio

More pics from inside the Conservatory & Botanical Gardens of the Bellagio


I DID IT!!! I PASSED THE CSR EXAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)

ALL GLORY TO GOD ALONE!!!!!!  I could not have done this without the LORD's abundant blessings and the constant support and encouragement from my husband, family, friends, and court reporting community.  I passed with 27 errors out of a possible maximum of 50, scoring a 98.7% accuracy!  My favorite number is 27 (we got married on March 27th)!!!  It's so meant to be!!! :) :) :)

For those of you who didn't get a pass this time, don't fret.  Keep pushing and believing.  You'll get your pass... it's only a matter of time!!!  Be proud that you gave the CSR exam your 100% effort!!!  During the waiting period from the July 19th CSR exam until today when I got the results, I kept telling myself to be proud of the 100% effort I gave to the exam.  I can't and won't regret anything since I gave it my absolute best shot.  And you shouldn't either!!!  Don't be discouraged.  Just pick yourself back up and get at it again.  I believe in you!!!  You can do this!!!


I got a wonderful email from a fellow steno nerd named Bill Parsons.  He is a court reporter and the creator of the website, Court Reporters Museum. He shared "The Court Reporter's Creed" with me, and I thought it was so great that I just had to share it with you all!  

Thank you, Bill! :)


Two weeks have passed since the CSR exam in LA.  How did it go???  That's what everyone wants to know, of course, and I'll be happy to share! :)

Here's my summary of my first (and hopefully last!) CSR exam experience:

The hubby and I checked in to The Westin on Thursday afternoon, July 18th.  I set up my printer and laptop in the transcription room around 5:00 or 6:00 p.m. (I don't remember the times exactly anymore), then practiced for roughly an hour at the warm-up session that RAPS (Reporting Association of Public Schools) set up.

I went to sleep at 9:00 p.m.  I didn't have any problems falling asleep, but I did wake up in the middle of the night from a nightmare. :( I prayed with my hubby that I would have a good night's rest, went back to sleep, and thankfully slept wonderfully the rest of the night.  THANK YOU, LORD!!! :)

I woke up Friday morning at 5:00 a.m., alert and excited.  I practiced in my hotel room to my stash of recorded Qualifier warm-ups given at my school, Downey Adult School.  My husband got me my needed caffeine and carbs from the Starbucks kiosk in the hotel lobby, and I ate and drank between practice takes.

While inside our hotel room, my awesome husband helped calm me and prepare me for the task at hand -- killing the CSR exam... well, as much as I possibly could anyway!!!  He coached me to have ice in my veins, have laser sharp focus, and to put all my emotions (fear, excitement, anxiety) away to simply "take care of business."  He urged me to give 150% of my best effort to the CSR... nothing else mattered.  Once I hand in my transcript, that is when I could "let go" and cry or laugh or complain about the test (haha!), but not anytime beforehand!  Tunnel vision.

We stood in line waiting for Group No. 2's turn to face the CSR exam.  While waiting in line, I honestly felt like a prized boxer going into the ring because my hubby was rubbing my shoulders and upper back, trying to relax me, which helped a lot!  I took big, deep breaths and stared at the wall or the ground to remain focused.

Then it was our turn!  I handed the proctors my application and found a seat in the dictation room.  I had to switch seats after everyone was seated since I needed an outlet (yup, I still rock the Stentura 200 SRT, but I cannot wait to get my professional machine... soon please!).  The panel of readers were very poised, calm, professional, and friendly.  One of them even kept cracking jokes, trying to relax us, which I very much
appreciated! :)

The panel gave their introductions, the little warm-up, and then the actual CSR dictation was read.  I heard everything clearly and the whole test sounded like a 180 rather than a 200, so that was awesome!  However, I wasn't able to stop my hands from shaking due to the nerves. :( They were shaking so badly!  All I can do is hope to GOD that despite the shaking, my hands were able to write down the correct words.

When I went in to the transcription room, I didn't use the full 3 hours given.  I know that I tend to second-guess myself, so I only took as much time as I felt would be beneficial.  If I over-think, bad things happen. :) I may have been in there 1.5 to 2 hours.  I compared my transcript with my steno notes, printed out a rough draft, looked up words in the dictionary, and went over my rough draft again and again.

Thankfully, I didn't come across any horrible untranslated sections of my transcript, so I'm really, really, keep-your-fingers-crossed, hoping for a pass!!!  We'll find out by the end of August.  I'll keep you all updated!

If it's not a pass, of course I'll be very disappointed because I did my absolute best... but then again, I WON'T have any regrets BECAUSE I did my absolute best!!!  If I have to go a second time to the CSR, I will use the same techniques I employed this first time... and we'll get a road trip out of it, too! :) It's seriously only a matter of time until I'm a licensed CSR -- Certified Shorthand Reporter of the State of California!!!  And for that, I'm so excited!!!  OH YEAH!!!  THANK YOU, LORD!!!  And thank you all for your support, interest, prayer, and encouragement along this long, wonderful, crazy court reporting journey!!!

So now that I'm waiting for the CSR exam result, I'm keeping busy by studying for the WKT (written knowledge test) portion of the exam -- English, medical, legal, and procedures.

By the way, I'm on Facebook now... so if you're a court reporting friend, please friend me!  My name is "StenoNerd Christine."  Thanks! :)


I just want to wish GOOD LUCK to all the CSR candidates, especially the lovely ladies that I recently graduated with.  BEST WISHES to Joanne, Caryn, Michelle, Mindee, and Allison!!!

I know you'll all do great!  WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D

Dear Readers, please wish us luck too... and a prayer or two wouldn't hurt either!  Pray that we will have nerves of steel, all our equipment will work properly, and that we all will give 125% effort... so that whatever happens, we'll be satisfied that we indeed did our best... and that's enough. :) THANK YOU!!!


I'm a Steno Nerd!


1. Become a certified court reporter as soon as possible!

2. Become an excellent realtime reporter!

3. Get as many certifications as I can!

4. Share the wealth by giving back to the CR community who has so kindly given much to me! I especially want to be a mentor to CR students since that's the kind of love I've received! :)

5. Take vacations... FINALLY!
When I'm a licensed reporter, my time will be freed up tremendously since I won't be going to school full-time, studying full-time, and working part-time! I'll get to come back to my world of family, friends, fun, and a lot more cash flow! Woo hoo! I'm so looking forward to this, Goal #5.

But it all starts with first accomplishing Goal #1 on my CR Bucket List!

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Posted on July 6, 2009 at 22:00 — 1 Comment

I think I have carpal tunnel syndrome!!! HELP!!!

I'm a full-time court reporter student, part-time legal secretary/billing clerk, and freelance transcriptionist... and I think I've developed carpal tunnel syndrome!!! :(

I wanted to ask if our CSR's have carpal tunnel? If so, can/do you still work through it?

Worst case scenario is that I can no longer pursue my dream of becoming a Certified Shorthand Reporter... which would seriously be AWFUL!!! I've worked SO HARD to get to where I am now (160 WPM and counting). I don't… Continue

Posted on June 22, 2009 at 9:00 — 21 Comments

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At 11:40 on September 24, 2013, April Drake said…

Christine, I haven't been on here for years! I finally became a CSR and am working as an Associate Official.  How's it going with you?

At 17:39 on September 20, 2012, Jane Garbus said…



At 21:29 on August 16, 2012, F. Elois Duncan said…

I am finally responding.  Well, as you see, fewer reporters are working in the court system.  My suggestion is if and when they afford the opportunity to work in court, drop everything and do it.  Don't wait until you are old and gray.  There is a lot of adapting you have to do.  Years ago the municipal court needed 50 people at one time.  It was my suggestion that we should create a buddy system and assign each new person to an experienced reporter.  That experienced reporter had to be available 24/7.  The experienced reporters were quite generous and sometimes a reporter would agree to be available for two or three new reporters.  The "experienced" reporters soon found out that the "new" reporters had a lot to teach us, too.  Many lasting friendships were formed.

At 18:53 on March 22, 2012, Michael Tunick said…

Hi Christine  Thank you 3 years later  OMG I didn't realize I had a page here.  Best,  Mike 

At 14:06 on November 10, 2011, J.D. Hock said…

Thank you for the birthday wishes Christine.  I am just getting reconnected to the site so I apologize for not thanking you sooner. 



At 9:27 on June 14, 2011, Lee said…

Hi Christine,

Just getting back to CSR Nation after not being on in a long time.  Pat is still here, but Marti retired a couple years ago.  She lives near me, and I check in on her every now and then.  She's doing well.  Glad to see you!

At 22:27 on April 6, 2011, Quyen said…
Hey, Christine.  Just wanted to check in on you to see how you're doing.  You still in court reporting school or studying it?  How is that coming along?  Hope all is well.  :)
At 17:05 on April 3, 2011, Jana L. Ridenour said…
Please respond to either or text me to call you when you receive this...408-390-7935.  I have over 20 years of court reporting and NO carpal tunnel.  I have some information to impart that has helped me over time.
At 9:13 on April 2, 2011, June De Lotto said…
Thank you, almost two years later!!!!
At 9:23 on March 30, 2011, amanda martella said…
Thank you!! Just signed in for the first time in a while:))



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