Eclipse Scopist (Send work request)


Eclipse Scopist (Send work request)

Reporters send out email blast to all Eclipse scopists for potential work

Members: 193
Latest Activity: Jul 8

Discussion Forum

Looking for a Connection Magic Eclipse scopist 1 Reply

Hi, all.  I have a similar requirement as a previous poster. :)Looking for a scopist that:1) has at least a year's experience scoping2) will follow The Gregg Reference Manual3) Follow spelling per…Continue

Started by Teresa Maciel. Last reply by Jean Sep 25, 2014.

Scopist available 1 Reply

Scopist seeking reporters. References/rate sheet available upon request.pattilucchesi@live.comContinue

Started by Patti Lucchesi. Last reply by Susan Ashe Jul 29, 2014.

Looking for an Eclipse scopist able to use Connection Magic

Hi, all.  I need have similar requirement as a previous poster. :)Must:1) Have at least a year's experience scoping2) Strictly follow The Gregg Reference Manual3) Follow spelling per Merriam…Continue

Started by Teresa Maciel Jan 20, 2014.

Need Eclipse Scopist asap 1 Reply

I am looking for an experienced Eclipse scopist to scope a very technical depo for me.  The subject is pharmaceuticals, the witness is a French scientist with a very heavy accent, so I need someone…Continue

Started by Wanda Buckner. Last reply by Kelli Combs (admin) Jan 19, 2014.

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Comment by Karen A. Jones on December 15, 2009 at 12:01
You and are on the same wavelength! I thought like you did; that this area was for reporters to post when they're looking for help, not for scopists looking for work.
I, too, get e-mail notification of anything posted here but only one so far as been a reporter looking for a scopist.
Comment by Joyce Davis on December 15, 2009 at 11:27
Hi, Kelli...hope you had a good vacation.

I have a question about the new area, Eclipse scopists send work request.

I thought it was set up to send notices to Eclipse scopists from reporters who are looking for scoping help. Do I have that right?

The reason I ask, I've been getting e-mails from CSRnation scopists who are looking for work, to advertise themselves.

Please set me straight on the purpose of this area.

Thanks. Happy holidays to you and yours, Kelli....joyce davis
Comment by Kerry Lyle on December 15, 2009 at 6:16
I am looking for scoping work and ideas on how to "get the name out there."
I have an ad with in the Baton Rouge, LA section. Any comments on how I can improve the content would be very helpful.

Comment by Starr A. Wilson on December 14, 2009 at 21:28
Starr A. Wilson,, (415) 239-8398.
Comment by Rick Posner on December 14, 2009 at 17:56

Sorry I missed your comment. I'm not on this web site every day. I do not see your e-mail and phone number below as indicated.

Rick Posner
Comment by Starr A. Wilson on December 12, 2009 at 8:50
Rick, I would love to talk with you re writing your best for a daily to eliminate those long hours editing. My e-mail and phone number are below.
Comment by Sandra Mitchell on December 7, 2009 at 17:53
I need a scopist ASAP. My scopist's system went down. It's a 200-page transcript. Help...
You can e-mail me at
Sandi Mitchell
Comment by Kathie Barnett on December 5, 2009 at 12:49
I am up for the task. I am in San Diego and available all day. Please contact me if you are still looking for help and I can provide references upon request. or 760-803-5029 Kathie Barnett
Comment by Starr A. Wilson on December 5, 2009 at 8:23
Let me add more information so you're in the know. I will be doing audio on MusicBank and forwarding the wave files from that plus I try to write as cleanly as I can. So what does that mean? The only real problem I have with my writing is the n becomes ? all the time and that little problem has to be looked for but I'm a clean writer and it's basically going through the transcript to make sure I have the right speakers going. i will forward the first "files" at the morning break 10:00 or 11:00 a.m., the second file at the lunch hour; the third file at the afternoon break around 3:00 or so and then the last file at the end of the day. This will be about 250 pages. If that is too much (and I DO UNDERSTAND) let me know and I'll do the afternoon session when I get home. I have to e-mail the "finished job" to the agency by 8:00 the next morning so they can e-mail it to counsel.
I have to provide a "dirty" disc the end of the day's session.
Comment by Starr A. Wilson on December 5, 2009 at 8:15
I am starting a daily on Monday 12/7/09 and need a scopist for Monday and Wednesday this week. It is for an insurance proceeding at an OAH hearing, which runs similar to a trial. There are six fast talking attorneys. There are other CSRS but I'm not sure how they're going to be rotated. They're giving me full days and I want to make sure I get the transcript in to them by 8:00 a.m. the next morning. Starr a. Wilson (415) 239-8398

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