I just bought the StenoCast RED, and I got it set up and working in about five minutes. Easy peasy. Can't wait to use it. I only bought one Eclipse receiver and one LiveNote/Summation receiver because they're a wee bit pricey at $100 each. Hopefully one of my friends will buy RED at my recommendation so I can get a free receiver.

Apparently you can get a discount if you go to the CCRA convention in Palm Springs or if you take any of Keith Vincent's seminars or webinars.

Anyone else using RED and loving it?

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Marla, just received my Red. Haven't even hooked it up yet. I did get the special for attending a K. Vincent webinar. Yea. So I got 2 blue and 2 red receivers. Nice thing is, since I'm going to push Bridge, if I don't end up using the LiveNote receivers much, I can turn them in to be reprogrammed for Bridge at $10 each. Wheeee:)
I'm on technology overload right now. Just received my new laptop, 2 netbooks, my Red, and trying to practice for the RMR 2 voice. Oh, and did I mention we got a puppy?
Right now I feel like Lucy Ricardo. Whhhhaaaaaaa . . .
I'm confused. I didn't think the receivers were software specific. I have mine (blue) for the caseview protocol and they work with LiveNote. Am I missing something?
Sounds like someone has been busy...what kind of puppy?
A Morky, half Yorkie - half Maltese. They look like little Benjies. Her name is Theodora, Teddi for short. We also call her Trouble with a capital T!
What is the purpose of using a router instead of one of the Stenocast products? does using a router eliminate using receivers?
Debbie, from what I understand, a router allows you to create sort of an intranet. And the attorneys can enter your IP address to get access to your feed. I don't fully understand it, and I think you would need to have an Internet connection to use the router. And an Internet connection is always iffy in a law office. That is, unless you have one of those handy PCMCIA cards that allows you to hook up to the Internet through your ISP. That monthly service is a wee bit expensive.

The Stenocast is a little box you plug into your USB port on your laptop. And you give the attorneys dongles (red for Bridge and blue for LiveNote) which wirelessly connect to your laptop. You hook up real time normally and just use the com port assigned to the Stenocast. It's super easy.

I'm on Case Catalyst, and I give my clients RT via the app CVNet on my iPads.  I use a router.  I create a network within the conference room, and everybody who wants my feed, whether it's my own iPads or the atty's iPad or his laptop (which would then be using the program CaseViewNet), has to have wireless capability, and they connect to my network.  But mine is not on the internet. I could do it that way, but since they're using my iPads, it's exclusively for RT viewing.  Attys absolutely love the iPads, and the setup is super fast and easy, never failed to make a connection.  And the reason I don't use Stenocast is, according to my information, then the devices would not be able to use the instant refresh feature.  I understand with Eclipse users they can, but Stenograph uses a different protocol.  And that is very important to me, because I am constantly cleaning up my transcript during the depo, and the attys can see everything I do (which they marvel at!).  In my experience, LiveNote is losing ground and Bridge and CaseViewNet are taking hold.  I haven't hooked up via LiveNote in a couple of years, but do a lots of iCVNet.

Hi Marla, I've got the RED and it's been great - I got 3 Bridge and 2 Livenote connectors and have used them all with no problems, yet :)

I have to say, it's probably the easiest piece of kit I've ever had to set up, I'm delighted with it.
I'm so glad to hear that, Michelle. I got three LiveNote and two Bridge. I'm going to start bringing my extra little Acer Aspire that I bought and asking if anyone needs real time.

I finally got the chance to use mine the other day. I've had it a couple of months and haven't had but one real-time job. But it worked flawlessly. So much easier than the cables. My USB-to-serial adapters were always conking out on me. Drove me insane.

And this attorney said he had hooked up wirelessly before, so I didn't even have to install the driver onto his laptop. I haven't had to do that for anyone yet, but it couldn't be easier. Just double click on the icon from your thumb drive, and it installs itself. Easy peasy.
I bought thr Red because my X7 was locking up my laptop on jobs. The Red worked for about two months without a problem but then I got the same message and it would lock up my computer. It always happens after a break. Maybe it is pausing the audio sync. Not sure.

I ended up going back to cables and have stopped getting the lock-up messaqe. I must be doing something wrong but don't know what. Sometimes it works and sometimes not. If I don't use the Stenocast I don't have the problem.

Any ideas what I am doing wrong would be great.
Kelli, have you tried calling support? They're pretty good about supporting their product. And their annual fee for support is really cheap, if I remember right.
Yes, I amusing it and loving it too! And seems like more and more attorneys are already ready to go - and last week one even asked for wireless before I even had time to tell him that's what I was going to give him anyway!



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