Eclipse Version 5 Users


Eclipse Version 5 Users

This group is for Version 5 users to share what aspects of Version 5 they are using and well as requests for help as problems arise using Version 5.


I just downloaded Version 5 (a year after it came out), and I feel like I'm learning Eclipse all over again.


Would greatly appreciate input from other Version 5 users.


Members: 106
Latest Activity: Jun 24, 2022

New Member

We have a new member, Linda Cook!  Welcome, Linda!  Hope this group is helpful to you.

We are now up to 99 members.  Just need one more to hit 100!!!!

Discussion Forum

Version 6 and Connection Magic

When I'm doing Connection Magic with my scopist and the attorney wants to go back a couple of hours earlier in the transcript to look at an answer or whatever, the software won't let me go past where…Continue

Started by Kelli Combs (admin) Jun 18, 2015.

Jeremy has posted some fixes for issues in V6.

Courtesy of Joyce Davis:From Jeremy:I have just posted a patch in the downloads section.There are only two changes in this version to address two issues that have been reported....I would…Continue

Started by Kelli Combs (admin) Oct 20, 2014.

new member 1 Reply

We have another new member, Tammi Lee!  Welcome, Tammi!Continue

Started by Wynne A. Pauly. Last reply by Kyung Aug 13, 2014.

Trying to find a compression level for an ASUS laptop 4 Replies

I'm having trouble finding a compression level for recording on an ASUS Q400 laptop.  I've tried high rates and low rates and they all sound the same -- barely audible on playback.Any…Continue

Started by Freddie Reppond. Last reply by Ana Dub Jun 6, 2014.

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Comment by Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC on October 31, 2011 at 9:43
I just posted this over on CR-Net:

I think we are getting confused because we are thinking that AutoMagic is the same thing as the info bar.  The info bar is the column to the left of the transcript.  You can have AutoMagic choices appear there as well as AutoBriefs if that works for you.  You can check them to appear in the info bar settings by right clicking on the info bar or getting into User Settings/Display tab and checking the view toggles button. The info bar can be resized by clicking and dragging its right side.

There are other options to toggle as well.  If you know your hyperkeys already, uncheck Hotkeys.  That will give you a bit more room for your transcript.  Try unchecking the info bar, check pop-up, and see if you like your AutoMagic choices to pop up in your transcript for you.  Experiment!  And read the manual!  If you don't have the V5 manual, it can be downloaded from the Advantage site.

Comment by Kelli Combs (admin) on October 30, 2011 at 14:21
Thanks, Christy.  That's very helpful.
Comment by Christy Fagan, CRR, RMR, CSR on October 30, 2011 at 12:33
Sorry.  It might give you 8 suggestions of how you want to change the word "dean", not "job".  Tired head.
Comment by Christy Fagan, CRR, RMR, CSR on October 30, 2011 at 12:33

I only use AutoMagic popup window at jobs.  So when your cursor is on a word like dean, it might have 8 suggestions of what you want to do with that job.  It might ask do you want to global "dean Smith," do you want to change the word to "done", change the word to "deal", usually close suggestions in case you stroked it wrong.

So it will have a # 1, 2, 3, etc. beside the options.  While you're in a depo and you put your cursor on that word, you just hit the number you want.  I also have a way to do it from my machine that is just like me typing 1, 2, 3, 4 etc. from my laptop.  So then it changes it whatever you chose.

I don't like it when I'm editing because it gets in my way.  I use hyperkeys and I can do those keys much faster than reading all the options and picking one.

It's mostly for beginners that don't know how to edit yet or in a job so that you can make quick choices for untrans or for words that tranned incorrectly.

It's pretty cool.  And smart.  Just turn on the AutoMagic popup under User Settings, Display, ViewToggles, InfoBar Settings, Popup checked.  That will pop the little box up above the word where your cursor is.


Comment by Kelli Combs (admin) on October 30, 2011 at 12:12
What exactly is this Auto Magic anyway?  What is it going to do?  I have it checked but not quite sure what to expect it to do.
Comment by Kelli Combs (admin) on October 30, 2011 at 12:10
Yeah, I called tech support and they said I have to have that Pop-up window checked and then it will come up.  I didn't have it checked for some strange reason.  I would think all of that would transfer from V4 but maybe not.  Thanks, Jenny.
Comment by Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC on October 30, 2011 at 11:57

Kelli, Are you working with a split RT screen?  If so, make sure your cursor is in the top screen, and hit your panic stroke, or Ctrl Page Down.  Are you doing a virtual retran or are you in RT right now while testing?  Do you have the Auto Magic window open?  Did you make sure you checked the box in the User Settings/ Realtime tab?

Comment by Wynne A. Pauly on October 30, 2011 at 11:56

you may not be hitting a group of words often enough for it to trigger a suggestion....try doing a group of words over and over again....with some other ordinary rinky dink words in between just to give it some relief


Comment by Kelli Combs (admin) on October 30, 2011 at 11:51
I just did a test run with V5 and I don't see AutoBrief coming up at all now.  I have the box checked for it to but it's not.  Any suggestions?
Comment by Wynne A. Pauly on October 30, 2011 at 11:02
And the Number of Suggestions means the number of total suggestion for all the briefs.  It's NOT the number of suggestions for one group of words you want a brief for.

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