
Murrieta, CA

United States

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  • Kim Begg

    Tami, thank you for that website. I love that guy! I had a little sample of his speedbuilding a while back, and I couldn't believe what I could do. I will certainly join and check out what you said. As a matter of fact, I'll stick with him until I write super fast. Thanks again!
  • Michelle DeSanti

    Thanks for really starting the fan club! Super cool.

    And Clay? Only 5 errors? You Rock!
  • Kim Begg

    Thank you and thanks for your help. I'll let you know how it went!!
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Soon you will be Emperor Tami!!!
  • Michelle DeSanti

    Oh, and Clay got the five errors, so he rocks.

    I think you BOTH rock, Tami! :)
  • Christine (Steno Nerd)

    Hi, Tami!

    Thank you for the warm welcome. :) I just found CSRnation.com yesterday, and I AM LOVING IT!!! I've already told a few of my court reporter classmates to join ASAP! :)

    No, I was not in San Diego. Was that one of Mark's conferences? I've heard nothing but praise for his conferences and his steno techniques... which is why I bought his book, "Steno Magnum: Write Short, Write Fast," yesterday. Can't wait till I get it and start learning how to WRITE SHORT, WRITE FAST!!!

    Thanks again for the HELLO. I plan to be very active on this site and learn all I can and also share what I've learned... :)
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    All hail to the new emperor!
  • Kelli Combs (admin)

    what is a female emperor? I tried googling it... it seems the word covers both sexes I think.
    emperoress maybe?
  • Kyung

    Congrats on the Emperor status. I think it's Empress.
  • Alexis McCutchen

    Gloat away. That's what we do in our exclusive club! ; ) That is our privilege - nine months in the womb and 22+ years later and counting - i'd say we've earned that right.

    Wishing Clay mucho congrats on the RPR. And I don't think I'm getting ahead of myself. He's just plain AWESOME! I'm so proud and happy for him and you, of course...

    Well, Trevor missed around 80ish on his last qualifier. So he's getting closer. I think he still has a couple of weeks to pass one if he wants to make the June test. but he did tell me that he's okay going to the fall test that way he won't be rushed to get application, fingerprints, et cetera, completed in time. There are three guys in qualifiers and one just passed his test on Friday. So that makes, I think four or five from our school going to the test.

    I just corrected my first qualifier and it was well over the century mark in errors, but now my goal is to cut the next one down by about 10 errors. I can't tell you how pumped up I've been lately with all the support that Trevor and I are getting from soooo many people -- teachers, students, you and others from CSR Nation that I don't even know. all I can think about are all the briefs and phrases that everyone has been suggesting and I've been practicing from Mark's book and club. I dreamt I was at my Bikram Yoga class WITH my machine practicing briefs. I know, I know. I'm a goofball!

    On my way to take my youngest to see XMen Origins: Wolverine.
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Tami, Just snooped on Trina's page. The best way to learn Eclipse is to go through the built-in tutorial. It doesn't take that long. Then print out the hyperkey sheet. I forget what it's called. Keep that next to you. Oh, yeah, and it helps to actually HAVE Eclipse. Total Eclipse wants a Total Commitment. Seriously, though, I know you'll get it in your own time. No pressure from me. There's pressure enough out there! So pleased to read Clay feels good about the RPR. I'll email you later with some CRR info just for kicks.
  • Candice

    I like how you always find a way to convince me that all these tets are possible to pass:)

    But 280 QA, really? You are on Fi-uh. When are you participating in the next speed contest?! Pretty soon it will be a mother/son event for you two lol:)
  • Candice

  • Erica Abbott

    Thank you! Now I need to spend less time on here and more time practicing:P lol
  • Tina Givens


    CRR was a VERY good test. I got every word. UFL, not every word correctly, lol. Too many mistakes and sloppy strokes and no chance of passing.

    AFA the RMR, I think I got the lit and JC. Very good tests and only minimal drops. The testimony was just a bit out of my reach, and I hadn't practiced for that at all since concentrating on the CRR. I was spent by the time I took it and had no reserves to hold on. Slopping and dropping big time. It will be much easier when I can go back and just concentrate on that leg.

    Got some stuff to work on and clean up my writing before November. I am determined to take it until I pass. I was close this time, but no cigar....

    Did Clay take the RPR?

    THanks for thinking of me!!
  • Christine Kirley

    SO FUN!! When is the next outing?
    Went stand up paddle surfing on the lake yesterday. You must come up this summer and get up on our hydrofoil.
    If you are not on the record yet , call my cell :)
  • April McMillan, CRR, RPR, CSR

    Congrats, Proud Mama!
    I once asked my daughter if she'd like to be a reporter. Her response was, "Are you kidding, Mom? You work way too hard!"
  • April McMillan, CRR, RPR, CSR

    You're too funny. Well, the ship has passed when it comes to my daughter. She's graduating from Vanguard University w/a B.A. in a week, my oldest twin son is a professional body-boarder who travels a bunch, and my youngest twin son is in the Marines!
    Oh well, there's always grandchildren :) Heh heh heh
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    April used three strokes for the word unfortunately, and so did I until a year ago! Yes, it sounds like you are going to be extremely busy. You absolutely need to get your skoper and proofer working again. I don't think you need to spend one second thinking about trying to impress anyone. You are the queen - excuse me - empress - and you RULE! Your translations, once you have Eclipse, are going to be so good they won't need much editing anyway. You need to make things as easy on yourself as possible. Yes, there will be a learning curve. I've told you before you will have lots of help. You do need to start with the tutorial. I remember spending only one evening with it, and that was enough to get me started. You are probably too pressured because you have a time limit on Clay's computer. Once you have your own system, you can do a little bit here and there. I sure have been wanting to hear more about the latest CRR. Everyone is being very closed mouthed. Have you noticed that? My deposition today was a no-show. I just put a statement on the record. There's another one on Wednesday. It's probably going to be a no-show as well. So I'm just going to enjoy myself at mom's tomorrow. Every time you think about how much work you have, think about me - here I am, twiddling my thumbs over here making peanuts! And eating mom's peanut butter cookies!
  • April McMillan, CRR, RPR, CSR


  • Christine Kirley

    Just got home from 3 hours at the hockey rink. Sara is not only playing but reffing games now. She really likes it.

    Wow, a new judge. How many does that make in this last year? Seems like a lot of changes for you. Or is it kind of like when you're pregnant and time flies for everyone but you, the pregnant one? If that analogy makes any sense. Probably not; I have a splitting headache I can't seem to shake.

    I need to get your massage therapist's name again. I remember where she is but not the name. I have a great one in Canyon Lake that I go to regularly, but it's nice to have options.

    I'll check posts tomorrow after my depos. Got to go to sleep and hopefully wake up without a headache. Good night :)
  • Christine (Steno Nerd)

    Hi, Tami!

    Thanks for posting on my wall. I seriously want to get VERY INVOLVED on this website, interact with awesome people, and learn as much as I can as well as help wherever I can! I'm really thankful that you gave the first WELCOME message. THANK YOU FOR THAT! :)

    I'm happy for your son, Clay. I'm sure it helps to have a mom as a CR and to have learned the Magnum Steno theory. I can't wait till I get my book in the mail! Should be any day now! Thanks for the heads up about not freaking out with the science portion of the book. I'll try not to! Can't make any promises though! Hehehe.

    May I ask you: Are you a member of the Magnum Steno Club? Is your son? Would you recommend that I too become a member? Also, how long did it take your son to finish school? Did he go full-time and did he have the Magnum Steno theory from the get-go?

    I started at Bryan College in Los Angeles and stayed there for, I think, a year going part-time. I eventually took myself out of there because the tuition was too much for me. I've since then been with Tri Community in West Covina where I have no student loans whatsoever! YAY! I went to school part-time for a few years there, basically only doing my academics since I worked full-time (and some over-time). But since 2008, I have been full-time and have seen my speed jump from 100 WPM to now almost 160 WPM (I need to pass one Q&A test). Going to school on a full-time basis has helped my progression so much! And to soon get the Magnum Steno book will help me EXPONENTIALLY, I AM SURE! I HOPE!

    OK, hope to talk with you soon... :)
  • Kyung

    That's awesome. I'm sure he'll do great on the CRR.
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Ha! Most of the time I'm dictating right into this box so who knows what Dragon spits out sometimes. I'm trying to stop typing so much so I just let dictatos go!

    I think Clay could pass the next one too. I'm wondering if I've got the brief FORN for fortunate already in my dix - then I just add the L. It's time to one-stroke that one as well. Did you get the wav file I sent via your regular email???
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    I've had a frustrating day over here, but things are finally working with RTing to Bridge. What I really wanted to do today was get my hair trimmed! It's driving me crazy! Oh, well. Those briefs are good ones. I'll tell April!
  • Christine (Steno Nerd)

    Hi, Tami!

    Thanks so much for taking the time to write on my wall! So detailed. I love all the information! :)

    I think I will try the Steno Magnum Club! I was talking to a fellow student today (I told her about both CSRnation.com and Magnum Steno, and she's excited to check them out!), and we both agree -- as do you -- that $30 a month is "nothing" compared to what other students have to pay to get their steno education at private institutions such as Bryan. Since we're at a community school, it's like we're getting our education for free. And all this is an investment for our future careers! Can't beat that kind of pull to purchase something! All benefits!

    Yes, Dixie King is the head of our court reporting program at Tri Community. She's awesome! :) If you'd like to speak to our school about court reporting as a CSR, I know our school is ALWAYS looking for speakers! You sound like you know A LOT about the court reporting profession and you have so much PASSION for it. It's VERY inspiring! Won't you think about it at least? I know MANY STUDENTS would benefit from hearing someone like you speak!

    What school did you graduate from?

    It's really encouraging knowing that your son and his (ex?)girlfriend both benefited so much from learning Mark's theory from the get-go. I've got some catching up to do, but I'm looking forward to it! I'm really grateful to have CSRnation.com and specifically a Steno Magnum Fan Club. Thanks for creating it, Tami! :)

    Good advice about not staying on the boards too long... MUST USE THAT TIME TO PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE INSTEAD!!! Will do, Mom! :) Sorry, just had to say that... cuz you sounded like my Mom right there. Hehehe!

    Thanks also for the tip to keep my profile public. Did that! :)

    Thanks again for everything, Tami! We'll keep in touch, yes?

    Talk to you later,
  • Erica Abbott

    Well, I thank you greatly for your honest opinion! I have been trying to read a ton about the LS, but there's really nothing out there. I am not sure if I'm trying to talk myself into this writer or what. lol. After working every day all day this week so far, I think I am going to give it a try at some point just to try to alleviate the pain factor.

    I'll have to let you know how it goes:)
  • Christine Kirley

    Thanks for catching me up on your court SEUFP. Sounds like some interesting times.

    Yes, Megan will have to come sit out. She still needs a few more court hours. She just passed her last 190 test this week. That leaves the 200s, but only next week to get them all -- and have all the court hours as well. Looks like we'll shoot for October CSR. She'll be very ready, though. She's been writing Mark's high speed takes 6-7 times a day. She's insane! And such a hard worker.

    Work is picking up, just in time for summer. I so love summer and wish I could just take a 3-month hiatus. Some day :) Have a great weekend. Should be a nice one....
  • Janice McMoran

    Thanks, Tami! I had a wonderful day!
  • April McMillan, CRR, RPR, CSR

    mother's day glitter

  • Kim Begg

    Just a note to let you know that I believe Mark's instructional videos 1, 2, 3, and 4 were exactly what helped me to do so well on the Nevada court reporter's exam this past Saturday. Although I tried to have "no filters" going on in my mind, I had a million more than I usally have -- but one thing I didn't do it drop, and my notes were a lot cleaner than I expected. It is definitely the best $29.99 I've spent in a very long time!! Thank you very much!!
  • Christine (Steno Nerd)

    Hi, Tami!

    Just wanted to drop by really quick and let you know that I purchased the Magnum Steno Club for the month of May... AND I'M LOVING IT ALREADY!!! Also, I'm in the process of buying some old StenoMaster books and CDs from a student that I found here on this website! Can't wait to get my hands on these as well!

    Thanks so much for your enthusiasm and encouragement regarding Magnum Steno! You're such a blessing!

    Have a great day! :)
  • Dawn Young

    Hi Tami.

    I want to thank you for my welcome to the Magnum Steno Club. I have been a member for two months now and love it. I have not missed a day of practice. I want you to know that I actually joined because of you and inspiring posts!

    Have a great evening!

    Dawn Young
  • KJM

    Thank you so much for the WONDERFUL gift I received in the mail today! My husband was the one who checked the mail, and we both appreciated the way you addressed the envelope. :)

    I'm making good progress in 150-170 class, and I think I will be able to finish it by the end of this quarter, which is June 12. I am going to get cracking on the next phase of shortening my writing over the break.

    I'm hoping the break I am taking this weekend for camping doesn't hinder my progress, but I figure I owe my kids and husband a weekend of my undivided attention.

    You amaze me! I don't know how you do it, but you are a true inspiration! I can't tell you enough how much I appreciate all you have done for me!
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Well, since I don't have smart software Yet!
  • Betty Kelly

    Hi, Tami. I wasn't sure if you got my "friend request" yesterday. Yes, I am in California, went to CR school in SF a million years ago. I'm now a scopist, not a reporter. I'm trying so hard to remember people from school, but my brain cells must be dying off at a rapid rate! Please write back and remind me of who you are, okay? I NEVER meet anyone from "the old school" in SF.
  • adele c frazier

    Hi, Betty Kelly. This is my blast from the past (San Bernardino Central) week. I just had Judge Warner on my jury panel for the last three days. It only took me two days to figure out where I knew him from. Oh, the good old days.
  • Betty Kelly

    Well, I have occasionally met other Betty Kellys, but a reporter who was in school in California around the same time I was -- that's pretty unusual! But, as you said, I'm not "that" Betty Kelly -- but since we're now friends on this forum, I'd like to offer you my congratulations on your CSR son. My daughter is in her first year of CR school, and I'd be thrilled if she does half as well as your son!
  • adele c frazier

    Oh, how embarrassing. No, it only took four days of 240 pages a day of jury selection to get this jury. Oh, yeah, did I mention we didn't work over any breaks or through lunch. Dang, he talks a lot.
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC

    Busy, busy! Will you get a nice long restful weekend? If you could use a good Eclipse scopist to relieve some of the pressure at first, that may really help. You don't have to do it all yourself! One day you'll know the time has come. I wonder if Clay is using the right TM level and the proper integral prefixes and suffixes so his endings are suggested to him when he puts in a new word. Does he know anyone nearby who can help him with stuff like that?
    If you start off with those things working well for you, it helps so, so much! Number conversion issues too. When you finally get Eclipse, we'll maybe have a few phone sessions. I love to help fine tune with Eclipse! Mom's cat needs me to play with her - she just came up and meowed! Later!
  • Candice

    Okay, you're right. I am due for a visit!
  • KJM

    :) Gotta give credit where credit is due!

    I had an interesting weekend. LOL A roller coaster of sorts. We had some really great fun, and we had some unfortunate bad luck. Part of the adventure of parenthood, I guess. :)

    How was your holiday weekend?

    I had a poopy week at school. Hopefully next week will be better. I'm sitting in with my sister-in-law on Wednesday if the job doesn't cancel. I can't wait!
  • Alexis McCutchen

    Mums the word for now...but I may have GREAT news soon. Not about me, but you-know-who. Trying not to be a dorkie mom. I'll keep you posted.

    To Be Continued...
  • Candice

  • Alexis McCutchen

    Get a glass of wine (or whatever bottle you can find comfort in) and release. My shoulder is your shoulder. I'm here for ya...
  • Alexis McCutchen

  • adele c frazier

    That's awesome!! It's definitely a new generation of reporters out there, thank goodness....well, maybe I'm being too optomistic, a great new batch of reporters with the right mindset for our future as court reporters in court.
    I'll see you in two weeks at camping. I just got the check in the mail. I've had your pan, just haven't seen you. I'll bring it. You might call Caroline, she's very conscientious. She might be able to get your old one replaced, who knows.
  • Wynne A. Pauly

    Thank you. I'm just delighted to find out about it!
  • Rebecca Callow

    Hi, Tami! Thanks for the welcome.
  • KJM

    Hi there! How are you?

    Just thought I'd share that although I am experiencing a little test passing slump at school, I am enjoying some progress with those pages you sent me. I'm not freaking out about it though because I know from experience that I usually take a step or two back before I get that jump forward that I know will come soon. :)

    On another note: I got a little paying steno job that I am stoked about! And it's just in time for a family trip we're taking in July! Woohoo!

    Hope you have a fabulous week!