Why I hate it when my people ask me did I work today?

Of course, I worked today. I work every friggin' single day. Just bec. I happen to be home in my bunny rabbit slippers does not mean I am not working like a dog. I am scoping, proofing, shredding old notes, following up on bills, archiving old transcripts, calling around for my next job, calling the agency for more information on the job I'm working on, and a bajillion other things.

Of course, what they mean is did you leave the house today? Did you go on a deposition outside of your home?

Yes, thank you for asking. I have to get back to work.

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Comment by Rhoda Collins on March 16, 2008 at 13:59
Good for you! Sometimes I wonder about family...
Comment by Brenda Rogers on March 16, 2008 at 13:23
Comment by Kyung on March 12, 2008 at 21:14
This just happened to me tonight. I was told by the agency that the attorney had a 2 o'clock flight. He changed it to 11 p.m. At 7 p.m. as everyone is walking out the door, oh, we'd like an expedite and a rough draft. We'd been going since 9 a.m. Aargh!!
Comment by Rhoda Collins on March 11, 2008 at 15:25
I must be lucky where I live as everyone seems to understand a reporter! They always comment on how 'that' is a hard job....but then they say "You make the big bucks." And I am just starting, so no big bucks yet, lol. But I will take it as a compliment.

I had a harder time with DH when I first started freelancing. I 'wanted' to teach at the college I went to, but he demanded I was going to 'work', lol. He wasn't understanding the HOURS I was to put in!!! He is now, lol. Sex?? What's that?? Oh, come home around lunch 'if' I am home and I will take a break...but NOT after DD is in bed!!! That is 'work' time, lol!!
Comment by Elizabeth A. Willis-Lewis on March 11, 2008 at 12:58
It is so good to know other people deal with the same thing! YES, I work every day. There is always a transcript hanging over my head to do and a firm calling me to ask me, "So when can we expect the transcript?" And is it just me or is every transcript expedited these days??????
Comment by Brenda Rogers on March 10, 2008 at 21:55
And if you *are* aimlessly sufing the web, it *started* off as working! :D And will end up that way.
Comment by Kyung on March 10, 2008 at 20:26
And even though it looks like I'm aimlessly surfing the web, I'm probably looking up some spelling for some random word that either the deponent has made up or is using incorrectly in the context of the deposition.
Comment by Patricia Babits on March 10, 2008 at 15:56
I hate that too.

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