Another petty rant about attorneys

Now, this is pretty small in the scheme of things, but still rather annoying. Exhibit stickers.

Lately, I've had attorneys coming in asking if I have packets of those stickers so they can mark their exhibits. Well, I give them a sheet, then they number all the sheets. But then they freakin' don't use them all. They're numbering up to 30 or something and they have 10 exhibits.

Hello!!! Exhibit stickers do not grow on trees. I have to pay for those stickers, not you. Stop wasting stickers. So freakin' annoying.

Right now I've got a stickers marked to 155 through 160 in the hopes I will be getting a case where they're numbering the exhibits consecutively and I can use those exhibit stickers. Bleh!!!

Just had to vent.

Any other little pet peeves I find, I'll be sure to share. I'm sure you're all looking forward to it.

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Comment by Lisa Moskowitz on June 6, 2008 at 16:10
LOL, just swell. I'm checking back to see if anyone replied with what size label they use, and I see that I wrote "lables" earlier. Ugh!
Comment by Lisa Moskowitz on June 6, 2008 at 14:35
What size labels are you all using? The return lables are just too skinny, IMHO, and the address labels are too long. I can't find a size that I like.
Comment by Charlene Friedman on June 6, 2008 at 6:03
that is really annoying, i cant stand that!!

i do what judy does, i print my own stickers!!
Comment by Judy on June 6, 2008 at 4:38
You guys should be printing up your own exhibit stickers using Word and Avery labels.
Comment by Diane Hickman on June 5, 2008 at 16:27
In the past, the lawyers offer the exhibits during the depo, look at me while explaining the exhibit will be offered in evidence and so marked, then they either write (in pen) the identifying number on the first page (or more pages if they want to) and I just nod (as if to say I'll mark it later.) I've yet to be asked to give out stickers, but it's nice to know what to do if I am asked. My agency uses one sticker on the first page of the exhibit, the following pages are marked in pen.
Comment by Brenda Rogers on June 5, 2008 at 13:48
I use a labelmaker. I make an exhibit sticker when they want to mark the exhibit. Let them break their concentration! I'm supposed to show the exhibit is marked, right? Yet they want to mark and talk and hand it to the witness all at the same time.

Forget it. I mark the exhibits. They can just learn to keep a thought in their head for 2 seconds while I do so.
Comment by Kyung on June 5, 2008 at 10:06
Well, I never let them leave w/the unused stickers. You know, I don't have a problem if they use the darn stickers. It's the numbering them up to some really high number and then not using them. I mean, most depos are going to start their exhibits at A or 1, not at 52.

I think I'm going to start whiting out the numbers and re-using them. I don't think they'll complain. I can just blame it on the price of gas.

In fact, I think I'm just going to randomly start blaming everything on the price of gas. We'll see how long that lasts.
Comment by Jeannie Wright on June 5, 2008 at 9:42
Oh, how well I know that peeve! They come into court with whole NOTEBOOKS of exhibits that they might admit some or all and the excuse is, I don't know what I will be using-- here's how I broke them of the habit (I'm a paralegal and electronic monitor for a judge -- I get to wear many hats) -- I give them a sheet that only has 5 or 6 on them -- NOT A WHOLE SHEET (I'm trying to make a point - if I have a sheet that had 3 on it, that's what they get) --when they ask for more, I look at them and say -- "if you need more, I will provide them at that time -- the judge will allow you a moment to number your exhibit!" -- it works! They hate that because it breaks their concentration. But, I don't have that problem anymore! Attorneys know what that they are supposed to come prepared and that includes stickers - if they are irritated and tell me so, I advise THEM to speak to their asisstants to make sure they come prepared. Remember, you are a professional and should be treated as such - don't let them bully you! (Then, because I'm a judge's secretary, I call the office after the hearing and ask the assistants to please remember to send stickers with their attorney! But you can't do that). If you are working for the court system, you can do what I do -- if you are freelancing, it's a fine balance between paying for a couple of stickers (which I would CHARGE for) and upsetting a client. Good luck!
Comment by Elizabeth A. Willis-Lewis on June 5, 2008 at 9:06
I know exactly what you mean. They do it to me all the time. It is typical attorney behavior :)

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