I think I have carpal tunnel syndrome!!! HELP!!!

I'm a full-time court reporter student, part-time legal secretary/billing clerk, and freelance transcriptionist... and I think I've developed carpal tunnel syndrome!!! :(

I wanted to ask if our CSR's have carpal tunnel? If so, can/do you still work through it?

Worst case scenario is that I can no longer pursue my dream of becoming a Certified Shorthand Reporter... which would seriously be AWFUL!!! I've worked SO HARD to get to where I am now (160 WPM and counting). I don't want to forsake my dream of being a CSR until I absolutely, absolutely have to! But I don't think it'll be that severe... right?!

I did some online researching, and the articles I've read say that carpal tunnel is very common and is treatable. For instance, I already tried the ice pack method and just generally rested my hand as much as I could. It helped tremendously! The tingling/numbness subsided after a few days, and today I don't feel it (the tingling/numbness started on Thursday night, and today is Monday morning).

So... again my questions are:
- Do you have carpal tunnel? If so, how does it affect your work?
- What do you do to help curb this disorder as you work?
- Do you honestly think I should be worried about pursuing my career in stenography now that I've developed this? ***I REALLY NEED REASSURANCE ON THIS ONE PLEASE***

Any help you can give is so appreciated! Thank you all in advance!

- Christine

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Comment by Janet on June 22, 2009 at 9:30
Hi Christine,

I don't have carpal tunnel, but I sometimes have pain/numbness in my fingers. I have attended seminars at NCRA conventions given by Julie Donnelly for carpal tunnel/muscle injuries. I have used her techniques and have had relief.

Here is a link to her website:


I wish you the best.


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