I am saddened that Prop 8 passed, which bans gay marriages.

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Comment by Stephanie Fernandez, RMR on November 10, 2008 at 11:12
I agree with Patricia that churches shouldn't be forced to marry couples if they don't want to or punished if that's their choice -- though it is a very unfair -- and I think given the choice, gay and lesbian couples would prefer to have the right to get married and to find someone to marry them that doesn't judge their lifestyle.
Comment by Patricia Babits on November 10, 2008 at 11:06
Tiffany, I know as a heterosexual I would be willing to have a civil union instead of the marriage I had. I just picked some lady out of a phone book to do my ceremony.
But what about a gay couple that is very religous and belongs to, say, the United Church of Christ, where their pastor is very willing to perform a marriage? I think they should have the right to be married.
But I don't think churches that don't believe in it should be forced to perform the ceremonies or be punished for it.
Comment by Stephanie Fernandez, RMR on November 10, 2008 at 10:53
I was deeply moved to see that the country has come so far that we've elected an African American president, but it seems that just as the country took a significant step forward, California took a major step backward. This fight will go on until everyone enjoys the freedom of choice this country is supposed to be founded on, and those who believe in that freedom will continue to support the cause.
Although I was deeply saddened by the passage of this terribly unfair proposition, I was pleased to see that a good number of people voted to stop it.
Though we certainly have a long way to go, it appears as though society is moving forward. This can only go on for so long.
Comment by Tiffany on November 10, 2008 at 9:54
I know that this is a touchy subject. I am a strong believer of our civil liberties. However, I believe this is an issue of religeon, not of civil liberties. Why has the suggestion of calling it a civil union, instead of marriage, not entered the ballot instead? I've spoken with a lot of people who would have voted differently if it wasn't specifically called "marriage" which has it's very own meaning in the bible, which makes it an issue of religeon...

So, the easy answer is: don't change what's been defined as marriage, but instead, create a whole new tradition. Would this be offensive? I think it's a win-win, isn't it? everybody gets what they want in the end?
I humbly submit this blog as with the happiness of all in mind. ;)
Comment by Patricia Babits on November 7, 2008 at 14:21
Chickens got more rights Tuesdays and gays got less. Life is strange.
Comment by Patricia Babits on November 6, 2008 at 18:52
by the way, my county voted 67% against prop 8, not bad!
Comment by Patricia Babits on November 6, 2008 at 18:51
By the w
Comment by Patricia Babits on November 6, 2008 at 18:47
I don't really get it either.I get that people think it wrong, but I don't get how they want to make it illegal and change the constitution of California.
We just have to wait for a few more old people to die and it will get overturned.
Comment by Kelli Geary on November 6, 2008 at 17:33
I was shocked to see that it passed. I cannot believe that so many people agreed to take that right away from their fellow citizens.
Comment by Dan P. Clark, CSR (4793), RPR on November 6, 2008 at 13:50
Kyung, I'm also saddened by the passage of Prop 8. Frankly, it's scary to think that people can so cavalierly take another person's rights away from them. I'm a law abiding, tax-paying individual. I frankly just don't get people who voted for the passage of Prop 8.

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