Strangers passing in the night 2 - making the connection

Well, we all see each other as we go to our daily job. Hey, there's a lady with a bag like mine. I wonder if she's a court reporter. Then the second thought, Oh, no, I hope we're not going to the same deposition. It's sort of like the thought I have when I see a videographer. Oh, no, is my depo videotaped? They didn't tell me it's videotaped.

Like many reporters, I like to know ahead of time what services are being requested. I hate to be blind-sided by a videographer, interpreter, realtime request for an expert medical that's going to go all day when I was told it was a simple PI. I adjust quickly, but there's always that moment of shock. What!!! I'm to provide what!! Okay. Can do. But still kind of a shock to the system and one way to get your adrenaline running.

But I digress. Once your body has gotten over all those terrible shocks so early in the morning, my next instinct is to run over and say hi and strike up a conversation. I don't know if it's bec. we work in different places everyday and we don't go into a regular office and have interactions w/the same people everyday, but I find that reporters are a pretty garrulous bunch. I'm sure I talk the ear off the calendar person sometimes.

Well, here is a chance for you to meet other court reporters in a setting that is completely unrelated to education, unless you spent your academic years in a bar. Well, maybe some of you did. I don't know and I"m not judging.

SoCal forum which is a new group here (has beena round on MSN) is having a get-together in Pasadena this Saturday. I will be there, and I'd love to meet new reporters and old reporters and students.. So if you're a student and looking to hear some stories from the trenches come on down. If you're a veteran and just want to commiserate on the crappy economy while you nurse your water or beverage of choice, please join us.

I've been to at least half of these outings. They're very informal, a ton of fun, and a great way to meet other reporters. So I hope you'll drop in, come by, have a bite, have a drink.

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Comment by Judy on November 21, 2008 at 7:22
I was told it was going to be short or just a simple bus lit, and then it turns out to be an expert witness and it goes much longer than a couple of hours and there's a videographer involved.

Well, of course. That happens to every freelancer. UFL the secretaries don't always tell the CR agency exactly what's going on for the day. Hence, the CR agency can't give the reporter accurate info. You've gotta roll with the punches in this business.

But if your first scenario(realtime request for an expert medical that's going to go all day when I was told it was a simple PI) had actually happened, my jaw would be on the floor re the miscommunication. But now that I see you're just exaggerating a scenario, I understand.
Comment by Kyung on November 21, 2008 at 6:45
No, but I have shown up for jobs where I was told it was going to be short or just a simple bus lit, and then it turns out to be an expert witness and it goes much longer than a couple of hours and there's a videographer involved.

I've even been told, oh, the attorney has a flight to catch you'll be done by two and then not been done until seven at night bec. the attorney thought nothing of re-scheduling to a later, 9 o'clock flight. It happens.
Comment by Judy on November 21, 2008 at 6:31
realtime request for an expert medical that's going to go all day when I was told it was a simple PI

Wow, you've really had that happen?

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