Permalink Reply by Judy on October 19, 2009 at 17:13
I had the felt on one of my machines. Carry a nail file with you b/c you'll snag with the least little imperfetion in your nail. I switched them out to some kind of rubber and am happy.
Kelli -- I'll check out Stenotech for the keypads. Good to know that I should ask a pro to take care of the keypads for me instead of handling it myself.
Judy and Diana -- Good to know about the felt tips! The rubber or leather pads sound like winners!
I loved the rubber keypads until I got the leather ones from Depobook. They're $23.95, and they are well worth it. I love them. They also have rubber and felt.
I like the keypads Stenovations sells. They're rubber, and they peel on and off like PostIt Notes.
As for the wide keys, while I am technically trained (electronics), I would prefer to let the professionals put them on instead of doing it myself.
If the professional makes a mistake while doing so, s/he has the skills to fix his or her blunder.
If I make a mistake while putting them on ... well, let's just say the money I would've "saved" had I done it myself will disappear twice over when the professional has to fix what I did wrong, AND put the wide keys on! :o\
Thank you, Janet & Glen, about your advice on getting the leather or rubber keys and for making sure I have a pro put them on for me! I really appreciate the input! :)