I don't know if this is where I should post this but I had my babies two months early by emergency C-Section on August 20th. They will be in NICU for two months or so and it's driving me crazy, but they're doing well. They're breathing on their own and just need to stay out from under the jaundice light and need to gain a whole lot of weight. They still weigh under 3 lbs.
I will post pictures as soon as I get them on this computer. With going to the hospital twice a day and pumping every 3 hours, I can't find time to do anything - and they're not even home yet!!!

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Hi Christy,

My best friend had her daughter 3 months early and experienced a similar situation to yours. Alyssa was born at 1 lb. 13 oz, and she was in the NICU for three months before she went home weighing around 6 lbs. She is now a flourishing beautiful 8-year-old girl.

Just stay strong and you will make it through!! Pumping is the best thing you can do for them, as mother's milk is the best for preemies. You will never be sorry for the sacrifice. Once they are home, you will be so happy that you did. Good luck to you!

Here's some pics of the babies!
Welcome to the world, Logan and Dylan! Congratulations, Christy, they're beautiful. I hope you'll be able to provide pics as they get older. Best of luck to you and to them.

God bless you and your babies and I will say a rosery for you and them tonight. My husband is a twin who had to stay in the hospital for 6 weeks before he and his brother could come home. His mother didn't know she had twins until she woke up from the anesthesia (hehe). Take care of yourself and you'll make it through this.
They are both finally in open cribs in the NICU and need to learn to bottle feed better before they can come home. They are four weeks old now and the dr. said hopefully in the next week or two they'll be ready! I'm so excited. I have a picture of Logan smiling that I'm going to post.
Hi, Christy.

I just joined CSRnation and for some reason your profile popped up. (God works in mysterious ways.) My daughter was born at 27 weeks. She weighed 1lb 12oz. She spent 89 days in the NICU. Each day in the beginning was like a roller coaster ride. It would seem that she was doing great, and then she'd have a set-back. My family and friends were such a great support. Alyssa is now eight years old and is like any other healthy, happy girl her age. I remember when she was in the hospital and hearing stories similar to mine that had a happy ending would give me hope and strength when I needed it. I hope my story gives you hope and strength. As you know, modern medicine is AMAZING, and the nurses and doctors are equally AMAZING. Before you know it , you'll be home with your babies, and one day you'll be able to share your happy ending with someone to give them the strength and hope they need. I'll keep you and your little ones in my prayers. God Bless. Emily Crumrine
Thank you so much, Emily. It's crazy how many people have been through this situation. These are my first babies and so I don't have anything to compare it to but it's gone very smoothly. I was hoping to go back to taking depos next week and we just found out today that they're probably coming home next week.
Funny how my little toots knew that! Oh, well. I'd much rather be at home with them than take depos, but we're looking to buy a much bigger home so we'll have room for all this and so I've GOT to get back to work.
If anybody has depos in Dallas, please Email or call me. 866-468-1023. christyrussell@sbcglobal.net

How are the babies doing??
They are doing great! I am leaving, actually, right now to go to the hospital and "room in" with them. If everything goes well - they keep their body temperature up and take all feedings through the night - then I get to bring them home tomorrow, Thursday. I'm so excited!!!!
Thanks for asking and I'll keep everyone updated.
Christy, that's fantastic!

I know you can't wait to get your little chicks home! I go through that every day just waiting for the time I can collect my chicks from school.

Praying and hoping that your chicks will be "good" and "well" and ready to come home tomorrow!


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