There is a huge post on the Total Eclipse (Advantage) website with this issue. So I just wanted to stir the pot over here.

For me it started one rainy summer's nght. J/K.

Really, I had never had any freezing issues my realtime until the latest. And then I would be writing, then all of a sudden my realtime would stop scrolling. Sometimes it would start up again and sometimes it wouldn't. AAARRGGGHHH. I did get a new laptop in December of 2006, but this started happening July of last year.

I think Eclipse thinks it's some kind of issue where the serial-to-usb connection is timing out so that Eclipse is no longer getting a feed. They're saying if you've got a serial to serial connector from your writer to your laptop, then you shouldn't be having this issue. Unfortunately, my laptop only has usb. I've had a pcmcia card (Socket) before. But when my old computer crashed bec. of Trojan virus and had to be taken back to spec, I could never get the d#$m, friggin', card to work again. Socket also has the worst technical service ever bar none. Anyway, back to the main issue of the post.

I am currently on Eclipse, which is the release version, not dev. I have not had any problems so far. Knock on wood. So for those of you out there who are having freezing problems, there is a light for now. But if those problems continue, you should definitely call tech support, post. The more noise you make, the more info they have to fix it.

And also, this is to let you know that you are not the only one with this problem.

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That's great!!!

I just plunked down the money for the Expresscard serial adapter. So I'm no longer on the usb-to-serial adapter. Tomorrow will be my first job with the new configuration. I hope everything goes well.

Just fyi, when I talked to tech support, I told them my friend who was on wireless also had her whole system freeze up so it's not just people on usb-to-serial adapters who are having freezing issues. She said there could be many different reasons for freezing issues.

My issues resolved when I upgraded to Windows XP Professional. And I know Derigitable/Dorothy will tell you I'm wrong, but I have not had ONE problem since the upgrade (it's been months).

That's great. As I've mentioned before, there could be numerous reasons for the realtime freeze issue. I'm glad your issue was resolved.
Kyung, I don't think anyone's disagreeing. Hey, whatever works! :-)
Hey, whatever works! :-)

I couldn't agree more!

Well, another shorty depo, but I was able to hook up immediately and no freezing issues. So far, so good. I'll update again in a week or so after maybe a long depo.
Well, another week w/o any freezing. Of course, I haven't had any long all-day jobs. My longest job last week was under a 100 pages.

But so far, the realtime session has started up with no problems and written w/no problems.

I've got a busy week ahead. We'll see how it goes.
Yea, Kyung! It's a great feeling, huh? Hope it continues in the week ahead.
When that happens to me, I open user settings, go to input, click on the "test settings" button, and in just a moment, it kicks in again. The audio continues to record, so I can type in what was dropped.
It's a paid, for sure, but it's better than stopping and starting the job all over. Hopefully they'll get it fixed completely soon, but til then, hope this helps.
Excuse me - should have said, "it's a pain." Paid is what I hope to be after I turn out the job :)
UPDATE - Well, I went from 9:00 a.m. to about 7 p.m. yesterday with no freezing. I broke it up into three sessions. The morning session was fine. But the afternoon sessions went a little long, up to 175 pages and this little box kept popping up and disappearing so fast it seemed like it was flickering. It's hard to describe the flickering box problem. It started to worry me. I was afraid my system was going to crash. So I closed out the second session for the day and started a new one.

But I had no realtime freezing on all three sessions. Yay!!

Went all day Monday, with a morning session and a late afternoon session. Left my laptop on and hooked up all day. I went on the Internet. When I started my afternoon sessions, no problem.

Doing good so far. Have yet to hook up to an attorney though. I don't know if I'll continue to use my usb connector for that or hook up to the other serial port on my ExpressCard.
I've just switched over to Windows Vista and I'm wondering if that's why I'm having freezing problems. It was a horrible day. It just kept freezing with a room of 4 attorneys who pretended to be patient, but I could tell they weren't happy.


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