
Total Eclipse

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Latest Activity: Oct 28, 2024

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Discussion Forum

Someone to set up auto index 2 Replies

Started by Ellen J. Frankovitch. Last reply by Linda Hagen Mar 25, 2017.

Using a Mixer with Eclipse Version 7

Started by Barbara Memory Jan 2, 2017.

connecting videographer audio to laptop 7 Replies

Started by Stefanie Landa. Last reply by Stefanie Landa Oct 4, 2016.

SEMINARS 17 Replies

Started by Marla Sharp. Last reply by Linda Hagen Aug 11, 2015.

CONFLICTS 14 Replies

Started by Marla Sharp. Last reply by Wendy Wachhorst Jun 20, 2015.

how to global uderscore 5 Replies

Started by Naola "Sam" Vaughn. Last reply by Kyung Jun 12, 2015.


Started by Kelli Combs (admin). Last reply by Kelli Combs (admin) Feb 14, 2015.


Started by Marla Sharp. Last reply by Bobbie Jo Harr Feb 8, 2015.

BRIDGE (free realtime software for all CAT systems from Advantage) 28 Replies

Started by Marla Sharp. Last reply by Bobbie Jo Harr Feb 8, 2015.

Technical issues 13 Replies

Started by Naola "Sam" Vaughn. Last reply by Naola "Sam" Vaughn Mar 4, 2014.

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Comment by anita t. shemin on November 10, 2018 at 15:08
Comment by Quyen on July 11, 2016 at 18:45

Why is my time, 1:01 p.m. showing up as 10:1 p.m.?

I write it 10/1/P*M{#T}

I don't want to have to write it 1/0/1/P*M{#T}

Does that make sense? I stroke 10, then 1, then P*M, then {#T}.

Comment by Mary Hogan on June 29, 2016 at 22:26

How I wish I could help you, Kelli.  My heart is with you, as I've been struggling with a decision to upgrade, feeling that since Windows 7 is no longer supported, it may just be a matter of time before I have realtime issues with it.  Now that I've heard your experience, I'm wondering what the other options might be.  Does Eclipse work with Macs or any others?

Comment by tami carlson on June 29, 2016 at 19:26

Sorry, going back to an earlier issue.

Thank you, Kyung!  I am fussy about having my i-products and emails begin in lowercase even if they're the first word in a sentence.  I have been leaving myself comments to lowercase each and every one of them before creating an ASCII.  I do not even recognize "IPhone" in print. It just looks wrong to me.

Comment by Kelli Combs (admin) on June 29, 2016 at 17:32

Has anyone else had issues with Eclipse and using Windows 10?  I'm really struggling.  I've turned off all USB ports from turning off but the computer keeps freezing up when I'm doing realtime.  Also, the screen goes black for no reason; I have to touch the screen to have it come back on.  Yesterday, I got an error message "Access Violation" and it kicked me out of a realtime session in a deposition.  Eclipse Tech support is worthless.  Anyone have any ideas?  Email me at

Comment by Kelli Combs (admin) on June 29, 2016 at 17:32

Has anyone else had issues with Eclipse and using Windows 10?  I'm really struggling.  I've turned off all USB ports from turning off but the computer keeps freezing up when I'm doing realtime.  Also, the screen goes black for no reason; I have to touch the screen to have it come back on.  Yesterday, I got an error message "Access Violation" and it kicked me out of a realtime session in a deposition.  Eclipse Tech support is worthless.  Anyone have any ideas?  Email me at

Comment by Trisha Rarick on January 21, 2016 at 6:39

Has anyone had this problem:  when setting up my equipment for a job and connecting my writer to the computer, it started coming up that writer isn't connected to computer (or words to that effect), and I have to keep hitting retry and it usually, not always), eventually comes up.

Comment by Suzie Fernandez on November 4, 2015 at 16:17

Extremely thorough and diligent proofreader available for your proofreading needs. I don't just do punctuation. I check for any and all errors. I have many satisfied reporters willing to give me a good reference. I make changes via PDF and send back only corrected pages. I also use Eclipse and make changes right in the software! This saves the reporter tons of time. Reasonable rates and flexible turnarounds. Immediate availability. Experienced working with teams and doing dailies. Email for more information.

Comment by Quyen on October 30, 2015 at 10:28

Thank you, Kyung.  I never knew what the literal case meant.  I can finally have all these tech words come up correctly after all these years!  :)

Also, a big thank-you to all who respond (quickly) to help each other out!  :)

Comment by Quyen on October 30, 2015 at 10:24

Cindy, thank you so much!!! It worked!  :D


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