Susan Crivello
  • Female
  • Smithtown, NY
  • United States
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Munson Scoping
2 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Judy Oct 4, 2009.


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Court Reporter
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Long Island, New York
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At 15:29 on April 16, 2013, Kelli Combs (admin) said…
At 15:28 on April 16, 2013, Kelli Combs (admin) said…

Susan, there is a group set up specifically for this reason.  Join the group "Have You Ever Heard Of....." and then ask your question and leave your email address and if anyone knows this agency, they will email you about it. 

At 3:24 on January 7, 2010, Wade Burghoffer said…
Good Morning Susan,

I see you are another early riser. I am also new as a scopist. I use Eclipse as well. If you ever have the need for a willing and adaptable scopist, let me know. Have a good day.

Wade Burghoffer
At 15:11 on January 6, 2010, Lisa Dupre said…
Hi susan It seems like you are jumping right into this field as a new reporter. I can't even get out on a first job. It seems they just want me to follow them around for a while. How long for you to get through school. I am RI, I wonder if there is not as much work in this area? How did you feel on your first job, I feel so ready but sometimes live talking is so different to speed building. Are you doing depos or just small jobs right now.
At 8:28 on December 3, 2009, Elyse Wachsman said…
I know the editing does take so long. I just am trying to get work and not even worry about that yet. Are you working for more than one agency? I have done a few jobs, but I think I am going to try other agencies, because it's been a week and a half without any jobs. I know it will be slow around the holidays, but I can't go all this time with no work! What agencies do you work for? Do you work every day? Let me know your tricks since you are an experienced reporter now!!
At 13:09 on March 4, 2009, Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC said…
If you do a search for Gemini Grand, it will come up here. Yes, it's paperless. I sure hope it works out for me as I don't want to go back to a "normal" writer. You did get a good deal on your new writer - many, many reporters would be totally jealous! Have you had a chance to check out your numbers yet? I'm really curious!
At 16:47 on March 3, 2009, Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC said…
Susan, I don't know what EBT is!!! Have you ever tried to make your cute avatar pic fit in the square? This is what I use. Just a thought!

What writer did you get? My new Gemini Grand just got mailed to me today so I hope to have it next week - or sooner! The LightSpeed just didn't work for me.
At 19:15 on March 2, 2009, Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC said…
Susan, I just now saw your question regarding Eclipse and numbers. For some reason I'm still not getting all the Eclipse group's emails! Anyway, I'll see if I can help you out later tonight or tomorrow. I may need to ask you some questions. Sorry for the delay. These numbers can be tricky to set up; but once figured out, it's so nice. Less editing - yay!
At 11:04 on February 14, 2009, Norma Parrott said…
Hi Susan,

Did you get the post from Julie with all the Websites? It is a massive list.

I thought I could find your e-mail address, but I couldn't. If you didn't get it, let me know your address and I will forward it.

At 8:38 on December 10, 2008, Tami said…
Glad you made the jump. When you stop and think how much our equipment makes us, it's worth getting the best. Keep us posted how it works out for you!

Yes, Maui is the best. Not so bad a flight from LAX either. It's the Carribean that kills us. Want to go again, but that plane ride is a killer.

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