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Started this discussion. Last reply by Kelli Combs (admin) Nov 30, 2018.
Started this discussion. Last reply by anita t. shemin Oct 17, 2013.
Started this discussion. Last reply by Kelli Combs (admin) Aug 21, 2013.
Over the course of my many years reporting, I have had some pretty crazy things happen. I thought it would be fun to share some of our stories. Many years ago I took a depo which was very demanding, realtime, tech problems, the works. I was able to troubleshoot and I must say did an outstanding job as the material was highly technical as well!!!!! When going around the room taking lunch orders, the witness who was an Indian chemist ordered a vegetarian lunch. As I had renounced meat for…
ContinuePosted on November 10, 2015 at 7:04 — 4 Comments
When I first started reporting many, many moons ago, it was just myself and my writer. As time went by, my writer was joined with a hookup to my own personal computer and then to many computers for Realtime and now hooking up via Skype and WebEx, along with hookups and teleconferencing. The job of a reporter is a dynamic one, but what about the renumeration? Recently, in NYC and from what I have read online, many agencies are bundling the…
ContinuePosted on December 17, 2012 at 13:55 — 4 Comments
Recently, I was asked to swear in a witness from a remote location, the witness was not in the room with me. I was told that the attorneys agreed to the remote swearing in. It is very important for a reporter to know what their state rules are regarding our authority to do this. In my state, it is not permitted and because the attorneys agree to it, it does not make it legal. All it would take is for one attorney to question the legality of that procedure and your license would be on the…
ContinuePosted on May 10, 2012 at 12:16 — 5 Comments
Does anyone have a workable suggestion for compression for a small ACER
computer. I have tried numerous ones with a Sound Blaster as well, but eveyone seems to be talking underwater! LOL.
Posted on June 28, 2011 at 5:35 — 3 Comments
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Hi, Anita!
Sorry for the delayed response. Just (finally) turned in my last job for December! Whew! Good feeling to be caught up, though. Hope to see you soon in Rincon!
Thank you for your inquiry, but I am unable to accept new clients at this time. I am committed to other work until after Thanksgiving. Please keep me in mind for future scoping work.
Thank you,
I hope this is the reason and the only reason. Talk to you soon :)
Thank you,
Roger Flygare
If you think its worth bringing it back I can put it back?
let me know.
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