I am looking for the smallest laptop with the best audio output.  Also, does
Win 8 work with older version of Eclipse. Thanks!

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Thank you for your response. 


I have heard there are some issues with Windows 8 and CAT systems.  Not sure if those bugs have been worked out yet.  I'm in the market too for a new laptop that just stays on my desk where I edit.  I'd either get a Dell or a Toshiba.  Those are my two favorite computers.  I know they aren't little, though, which is what you're looking for.



ASUS has terrible audio.  I bought one and I can't take it on a job.

I have this Toshiba:


It's got the best sound I've ever heard on a computer.  It is widescreen, not as tall as a typical laptop.  I got used to it in one day.  There is no CD drive. 

Here is the Toshiba laptop that I bought today:  http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00D78PZE8/ref=oh_details_o01_s00_...

That's a great price, Kelli.  I would buy another Windows 7 too.  My husband's computer has Windows 8, and it is a pain in the neck with the menus popping out from the sides.  I don't like it at all.


I love the sound on Toshibas.

Yeah, I like Toshibas too.  I figured I better get another Windows 7 before they're all gone.  I think that time is coming soon.


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