Rebecca Callow
  • Female
  • Austin, Texas
  • United States
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  • Allyson Dorrough
  • Patrick Martin
  • Julie Samford
  • Tim Floury
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  • Kerry F
  • Kim Schroeder
  • Christy Fagan, CRR, RMR, CSR
  • Lana L. Loper
  • Diane Richer
  • Anastasia Swinkles
  • Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC
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  • David Feldman Worldwide

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Rebecca Callow's Discussions

International depositions advice

Started Nov 17, 2022

Pelvic mesh litigation
10 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Rebecca Callow Oct 21, 2014.

key tops
4 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Rebecca Callow Sep 13, 2014.


Rebecca Callow's Page

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International depositions advice

If you have done international work, would you email me privately.It has been a while since I have covered work internationally and I would like some advice about charges, etc.rjcallow@gmail.comThank you in advance.See More
Nov 17, 2022
Mikayla Speegle replied to Rebecca Callow's discussion Deposition by Written Questions?
"Hi!  I was asked to do this as well, but was not provided a sealed envelope of questions pursuant to CCP 2025.330e.  Can you take a depo by asking written questions to the deponent without the questions being in a sealed envelope? …"
Jun 8, 2022
Rebecca Callow joined Kelli Combs (admin)'s group

Cover Depos (West Texas)

Covering the Panhandle. Near Amarillo, TX, Clovis, NM, Hobbs, NM (Eastern New Mexico Region).If you have a Deposition you want to cover, simply send a message to all of the members of this group.See More
Nov 17, 2021
Rebecca Callow joined Kelli Combs (admin)'s group

Cover Depos (Miami & Fort Lauderdale, Florida)

If you have a Deposition you want to cover, simply send a message to all of the members of this group.Miami-Dade and Fort Lauderdale areasSee More
Oct 29, 2020

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At 17:05 on December 30, 2013, Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC said…


Have fun!!!

At 9:23 on May 2, 2013, Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC said…


Congratulations, Rebecca!

At 19:26 on November 13, 2011, Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC said…

Hi, Rebecca!  Do you have anything to add to the Dropbox post here?

No pressure!  I just know you are up on the latest everything!  Hope it's going great for you!

At 11:21 on June 8, 2011, Anastasia Swinkles said…
OMG, it's gonna be so much fun!  I wonder if I can get a caricature done this time??
At 9:33 on January 13, 2010, Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC said…
Hope you're having a wonderful birthday today with lots of treats! I've been off the forums for a while - so glad I popped on yesterday and found out about your birthday so I can wish you a great one!
At 18:24 on October 16, 2009, Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC said…
I have not done a single RT job yet with my RED. I did practice with it on an all day depo a few months ago, and it worked perfectly. Of course it was transmitting to Bridge on my own Acer Aspire One, but it did refresh. This RT stuff is still on my list of things to do, but I sure got bogged down with my regular clients' depos.

I will be doing three more days in a big case on the 29th, 4th and 5th as I was requested - yay! - to come back and report some more by the attorney. Those were extremely difficult microbiologist depos that nearly put me over the edge. The next three should be much easier.

Sounds like you have some great jobs coming up soon. Those public hearings ... I just don't know if I can force myself to do another one. I've done two in the last 31 years!

Don't forget to take a nice trip to Marble Falls to get a massage - among other things - by my ex-sister-in-law, Trish Van Halla! I just spoke to her last night. She told me she's been getting up at six and walking four miles just about every morning. I haven't moved in six weeks at least! I am getting another massage tomorrow, and I sure need it. How is your yoga coming along??? I bet great. If your answer is different, let me know when you get a chance!

I do feel kind of bad about not clearing my schedule so I can focus on RT for extra money! But we've got really loyal clients - some over 25 years - and it's hard to send other reporters - or just let them go. April and John don't want to do the RT, so it's all on me. Yet who knows - I may have nothing to do at all in November!
At 18:05 on October 16, 2009, Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC said…
I have been going crazy with depos to get out. Not just mine, but from other reporters who help us keep our clients happy. Our = me and my sister and brother. I need a break bad, but it's going to have to wait! Are you just as busy as ever???
At 4:55 on October 16, 2009, Christy Fagan, CRR, RMR, CSR said…
Hey, thanks, about the babies comment. I think they're pretty cute myself! They look like their daddy!!
At 10:58 on October 1, 2009, LizBeth said…
Thanks for the suggestion. I'm just trying to get an idea of how to even charge for it, i.e. by the page or hours spent editing the transcript. Thanks again! LBJ
At 18:10 on September 23, 2009, Mona Storm said…
IN hindsight, I probably would maybe make the questions macros by writing them the night before and then write realtime and insert the appropriate questions. I thought at the time I could ask the questions and write them at the same time but after about the third question, I just read them. So when I got home I just wrote the questions on my machine and inserted them. :/

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