anita t. shemin
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  • Roberta Caiola
  • Marty E. McArver
  • Andrew Wander
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  • Naola "Sam" Vaughn
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  • Kathleen Gordon
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  • Allan Dyer
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  • Mary Jo Cochran
  • Micheal Johnson
  • Roger Flygare
  • Quyen
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Audio Quality
1 Reply

Started this discussion. Last reply by Kelli Combs (admin) Nov 30, 2018.

2 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by anita t. shemin Oct 17, 2013.

8 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Kelli Combs (admin) Aug 21, 2013.


anita t. shemin's Page

Anita t. shemin's Blog


Over the course of my many years reporting, I have had some pretty crazy things happen.  I thought it would be fun to share some of our stories.  Many years ago I took a depo which was very demanding, realtime, tech problems, the works.  I was able to troubleshoot and I must say did an outstanding job as the material was highly technical as well!!!!! When going around the room taking lunch orders, the witness who was an Indian chemist ordered a vegetarian lunch. As I had renounced meat for…


Posted on November 10, 2015 at 7:04 — 4 Comments

more work less pay?

When I first  started reporting many, many moons ago, it was just myself and my writer.  As time went by, my writer was joined with a hookup to my own personal computer and then to many computers for Realtime and now hooking up via Skype and WebEx, along with hookups and teleconferencing. The job of a reporter is a dynamic one, but what about the renumeration?  Recently, in NYC and from what I have read online, many agencies are bundling the…


Posted on December 17, 2012 at 13:55 — 4 Comments


Recently, I was asked to swear in a witness from a remote location, the witness was not in the room with me.  I was told that the attorneys agreed to the remote swearing in.  It is very important for a reporter to know what their state rules are regarding our authority to do this.  In my state, it is not permitted and because the attorneys agree to it, it does not make it legal.  All it would take is for one attorney to question the legality of that procedure and your license would be on the…


Posted on May 10, 2012 at 12:16 — 5 Comments


Does anyone have a workable suggestion for compression for a small ACER

computer.  I have tried numerous ones with a Sound Blaster as well, but eveyone seems to be talking underwater!  LOL. 

Posted on June 28, 2011 at 5:35 — 3 Comments

Chat anyone?

Can someone tell me how to get to Chat?

Posted on January 12, 2010 at 11:43

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At 15:40 on January 5, 2012, Marty E. McArver said…

Hi, Anita!

Sorry for the delayed response.  Just (finally) turned in my last job for December!  Whew!  Good feeling to be caught up, though.  Hope to see you soon in Rincon!


At 13:27 on August 10, 2011, Kelli Combs (admin) said…
You can actually look for yourself; all your groups show up on your page to the left.  I see you are in International, New York and Connecticut and a few others.
At 8:26 on July 14, 2011, Kelli Combs (admin) said…
Anita, I posted a PDF on audio quality on the discussion board on the first page.  Title is "Need help with audio quality."  You can get it there.
At 11:02 on October 8, 2009, Linda Troxel said…
Hi Anita!
Thank you for your inquiry, but I am unable to accept new clients at this time. I am committed to other work until after Thanksgiving. Please keep me in mind for future scoping work.

Thank you,
At 17:59 on August 7, 2009, Tricia Gemmill said…
Hi Anita. Thanks for the inquiry, but I am unable to take on any new clients now. Anyway, it looks like you've got some positive replies.
At 19:26 on July 28, 2009, Kyung said…
Thanks for the kind words. I appreciate it.
At 11:39 on July 17, 2009, Kwanna Collins said…
Hi Anita! I read your comment that you wrote to Monti, and although i am not a court reporter yet, i think i have an answer to your question. You know, so many court reporters graduate from school not knowing what to accept out there in the real world. I hear girls in my school all the time say that when they graduate, they would take any job because they have bills, tuition to pay back etc... They have also said they heard that its slow right now so they are willing to take anything. So i believe these are the people that are taking these low paying jobs, but the truth is, the schools don't tell you not to take a job, especially when you first graduate, instead they tell you to accept whatever is being offered until you gain enough experience and can run with the big dogs. Like Monti said, one job offered him $25.00 an hour and he said "no" but to some people that's better than nothing. Another reason, some of these newly reporter don't know what a decent pay rate is. When you graduate, the schools don't tell you a ballpark figure of what you should be making and right now, how could they with the economy nose is diving downwards instead of upwards.

I hope this is the reason and the only reason. Talk to you soon :)
At 19:57 on May 5, 2009, Roger Flygare said…
Would you mind posting some of your fabulous thoughts on and help us in our discussion?

Thank you,
Roger Flygare
At 19:11 on May 5, 2009, Quyen said…
Hi, Anita. If you are a member of the NCRA, please help us fight the motion. If you, in any way, could afford to go to the annual convention, please do so and vote YES on the Motion to Rescind. Please also post your response to "Concerned Student" in the forum, as I know there are many reporters out there who feel that deposition reporters cannot be replaced. You are a living example of, yes, WE CAN be replaced! We need all the help we can get to spread the word that, YES, our profession is indeed threatened. Thanks, Anita. I apologize if I have bothered you, but I have to try to do whatever I can to help save "us."
At 18:31 on March 18, 2009, Kelli Combs (admin) said…
Hi anita, ere you using it? everyone was confused by it I took it off.
If you think its worth bringing it back I can put it back?
let me know.

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