I cut my finger, and I cut the nerve. Dr. tells me I need surgery.

On July 20, I cut my finger and ended up in the emergency room where I got eight stitches. The dr. there was concerned, referred me to a hand surgeon immediately. That Doctor tells me I cut the nerve and wants to schedule me for surgery right away. I tell him no, that I needed a second opinion. I have a 2nd opinion for September 2. I am so scared, kind of down. I was suppose to start my internship on July 23. I needed 1-180 to go into my 200's, and I wanted to take the state test in November. My heart feels kind of broken, and sad. I really, really wanted to do this. I really don't want to get a surgery and end up worse like a lot of people do. And, if I do get the surgery, I probably wont be back to normal for about a year. It's depressing. I've done a little bit of research on cut nerves, and it doesn't look too good for me. Anybody out there had anything like this happen to them? And if yes, what did you do? Thanks for hearing me out.

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Hey, sorry to hear about what happened with your finger. What does your doctor say about the nerve? Was he optimistic about recovery after the surgery? Which finger was it?

I know it's scary, but try to keep positive. I know a woman who I went to school with and she had a nerve disease where she lost feeling in her fingers or something. It was pretty serious. She had to drop out of school for a while. I remember she and I were practically the only two who made it out of theory. She was flying through school, and this happened. She finally came back, but it was about the time that I was in the higher speeds. I lost touch with her until recently.

When I got back in touch with her, she's a reporter now. So don't give up hope.
The doctor said that if I got the surgery the nerve would be repaired, but there was no guarantee of me getting the feeling back in my finger. He might off been optimistic, but I don't trusts doctors. Last year I had a doctor tell me I had carpel tunnel and wanted to schedule me for surgery right away. I told him no, that I wanted a second opinion. The second doctor did a nerve test on me, and told me that I didn't have carpel tunnel, therefore, I did not need any surgery. So you see, why am getting this second opinion. It was my left hand index finger. See the thing is I can type with no problem, so I'm hoping when I go to touch the machine again, my finger will work just fine. I have not touched it yet because I want my finger to be completely healed. So, we'll see what happens in the next couple of weeks. I will not give up hope. I have worked very hard, and traveled many miles to go to school. I'm just a little scared is all. Thank you for your kind words.

Make sure that you see a hand surgeon, an orthopedic surgeon who does hands and only hands.
Who told you that it would take a year to get back to normal?? A hand surgeon?

Nobody told me it would take a year. I've been reading about it on the internet. And, on one of the websites, it said that for my hand to be completely normal it would take that long. And yes, I did see a hand surgeon, but I need a second opinion. So, I'm seeing a second hand surgeon September 2.
Glad to hear you're seeing hand specialists. Keep us posted. Hopefully the year you read about is not the reality or at least that while completely normal might take a long time that you will have a functioning (maybe not perfect yet) hand way before that.
Sorry to hear about your hand. My sister who owns a barber shop and is a barber just cut her finger and the nerve last year (six weeks before her wedding). She had to have surgery and was out of work for about three months. She was also scared because the doctor said she could have difficulty with the finger and holding the scissors. Thankfully she has fully recovered and is back to work.
How long did it take her to feel back to normal? or does she feel back to normal? I don't really care if I ever have feeling in my finger again as long as I can move it and become a court reporter. We'll see what happens. Thank you for your words.
My sister was out of work for three months. Her finger is still numb but she's been able to adjust and still cut hair. Did you actually cut the nerve all the way through or knick the nerve, which still causes a problem? She had her surgery two days after cutting her finger. Have you asked what the damage could be by waiting too long? I know you want a second opinion, but hopefully it won't heal too much where is causes more damage. My sister also had to go to therapy after the healing process. She cannot close her hand completely now, but like I said she's able to work, which I know is different than court reporting. She was also scared thinking she wouldn't be able to work anymore, especially since you had finally had her own shop and self-employed. Good luck to you. Keep us posted on the outcome.
Thank you Rosalie. I'll keep you posted. The doctor told me I cut the nerve. I don't know he knows that. He just poked me around, one side I could feel the other I couldn't. With that, he determined I cut it. I was scheduled for surgery for Aug. 4. But I just couldn't do it. I wanted a second opinion because of what happened to me last year with the doctor who told me that I had carpel tunnel, when I really didn't. I know what you're saying as far as causing damage, but I really needed a second opinion. We'll see what the second doctor tells me. And I do want to remind everybody, "To please, not take your fingers for granted. They are so important in this field.
Sorry for all my typos but I think you understood what I was saying. Thank God you got second opinion on the carpal tunnel. I have carpal tunnel which is one reason why I don't push to do all day depos, one to two hour depos is all I need, especially when almost every depo I do they talk at 250 wpm and above, which causes me a lot of pain. Again, please keep us posted on your outcome. Take care, Rosalie
I cut my middle finger on my right hand, too. I cut the tip of it, on the inner side of the knuckle. I cut it to the bone in a big U shape. I went to the ER and the stitched it up. But out of precaution, I called an orthopaedist who is a hand specialist. He sent me to a plastic surgeon that specialized is hand surgery. He did surgery on it to reattach the nerves. I was back to work within six weeks. I would just unwrap it, work, and then rewrap it. I didn't ever get 100 per cent feeling back. But it's not a problem. I think it's better than it would have been had I not gotten the surgery. But I believe there was a time period within which I needed to do the surgery for it be successful. If I wanted to take a longer period of time off I could have. But as a freelancer, no work - no income. So I went back as soon as I could.
Thank you Roxanne. That really sounds good to my ears. Tomorrow I go to get a second opinion, but I'm sure I'll have to get the surgery. My finger has a big U shape too. It's good to talk to someone who has actually went throught the experience. If this doctor tells me that I do need it, I will be scheduling it right away. I need to get back to school. And your fingers were able to move just right for the machine after the surgery? Thank you again. I needed to hear that. Will keep you posted.


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