I've seen a lot of posts re: CC, Eclipse, DigiCAT, etc. I have just now seen one for ProCAT.

If there are any AristoCAT users out there, drop a line and let's get a discussion going on the software, which to me is one of the best, if not the best, out there.

Thanks, Tricia

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Hi, Tricia. I have just recently joined this site and I thought I was the only AristoCAT user out there. Drop me a line if you get a chance.


I tried to send you a private e-mail, but somehow futzed it up. From reading the thread, I see that you and Lynnette are both reporters. I've been court reporting for 33 years come Dec. 8th. ACAT is my sixth CR software (if you can believe it or not), and I simply love it. I've been on ACAT for just about nine to ten years. I love the "suggestion box". Give Larry a suggestion, and before you know it, he's working on it and it works.

I have found it is a regional thing. I'm in Boston, and there are a few people here on it. I have found there are a *lot* in California on it. Boy, I'm glad we are finally getting a discussion going about it. That's how much I love the software.

Where are you both from? Michelle, I think it's slow most places with this nutty economy. It's one of the worst dry spells I've had to ever go through. That, I do know.

One of the best seminars I've gone to was two years ago. A friend of mine and I went down to the Georgia CR Association's Tech Seminar. You get to spend the entire day with your software people. I couldn't believe how the one on one helped explain things that wouldn't go through this thick skull. It's usually the last week of April every year, depending on where the National's Midyear is. You might want to consider it.

Write soon! Sorry I was delayed in getting here, but I'm glad I'm here now.

Take care,
Hi guys,

I use Aristocat.


Hi, Lynnette. Are you a scopist or reporter or both? How long have you been on Aristocat?
Hi Michele,

I'm a reporter and I've been on Aristocat approximately two years. How about you?

Yes, I've been a reporter for 24 years and I've been on Aristocat for about 6-7 years and really like it. But there doesn't seem to be many people on it. I have thought about going into scoping because it's pretty dead where I am but I don't see hardly any reporters out there. Do you like the software?
Tricia --

I used to use AristoCAT when I was doing transcription work in downtown Seattle. I started with (wait for it ...) a DOS version in 1999, and (finally!) moved to a Windows version in 2002 or so, about the time I began CR school.

Alas, the version we had wouldn't allow you to import .rtf dictionaries, so I never got to use it with my steno machine, but hopefully my on-again, off-again boss has since upgraded!

As for why my boss was using AristoCAT, she's known Larry for several years now, and is a loyal customer -- just a bit nervous about upgrading!

"For a Good (steno) Time ...."

I'm a bit confused by your message. Are you saying you are using it now or no? Are you working for the same boss and has she upgraded? Are you still in CR school?

I know Larry is one of the few that STILL supports DOS. I know of no other company out there that does, including SG, who has bought up all the other "big" companies, i.e., Barron, Xscribe, Verticat, etc.

I know now that your dictionary can be imported into your writer via RTF as I have done it with my Stentura. Please explain further.

Be well,
Hi, Tricia.

Sorry about the confusion.

I left CR school in 2006, when my school closed (though "imploded" is probably a more accurate description!). A few months later, my boss stopped taking transcription work ... so I am not using AristoCAT at this time.

As far as CR school goes, I plan on starting speed building classes in the online program at our one remaining local CR school, Green River Community College. Unfortunately, they want me to use Case -- which is not really something I want to do (sorry, CC folk!).

As far as dictionaries go, my writer is a ProCAT Flash. There's no dictionary on there. What I needed was for the software to import the dictionary (roughly 10 mb in size), so I could use my writer with the software.

Alas, at the time, that capability hadn't been implemented, though I hear it has been, I think, within the last year or so.

As for my boss, I don't know if she's upgraded yet! I'll call her and say hi one of these days, and I'll ask her then.

That's really impressive that they still support DOS, though! Didn't know that.

"For a Good (steno) Time ...."
Hi Michele,

I'm located in Southern California. We use Aristocat software at the worker's comp board. It's very easy to learn and to use. I do like it, but we don't do anything advanced here with it. We actually just have desktops and take disks from our steno machine and read and translate them in the desktop. So I don't know about the real time features. We just deal with the basics. I've been a reporter for 30 years. I used ProCat for a long time and like that software. Yes, I do like the Aristocat software. Where are you from? I'm glad I got a steady job because from reading these forums, it seems really slow in the depo world.


I'm located in Myrtle Beach, SC (South Carolina.) I don't do anything too advanced either. Lynette, you are lucky to have a steady job; the depo world is super slow. I am not sure why, becasue the friends I have who are attorneys seem to be slammed. I'm trying to break out into scoping, hoping to pick up some business that way, but there doesn't seem to be too many reports who are on Aristocat, so I dont' know if I'll have any luck.
Tricia, if Boston is slow, then everybody must be slow. I thought maybe it was my small town, but evidently not. If you know of anyone looking for a scopist and/or proofer, let me know.


Check your e-mail.



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