Hi there! I'm looking for a reporter who lives in or near Redding, CA. I have a job on Wednesday at 10 am. And I'm also looking for a referral for a videographer. If you have any questions... ask away!! And I hope you all enjoy the nice Memorial Day weekend!

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Hi there. Thanks for replying but I'm looking for a CSR to help me on Wednesday in Redding, CA.
My parents live in Redding. If I didn't have a job tomorrow I wouldn't mind going up that way :) As far as a videography service, I would suggest Jason Butko of LegalPoint Video. He is based out of Pacifica and he is on CSR Nation. You can find him by searching the member profiles. Good luck!
My sister owns a firm in Redding - http://www.assocdepo.com/
Her name is Tanya Agostini and she would be glad to help you with video, videoconferencing, and legal video.
Here's the rest of her info:

Associated Deposition Reporters
2054 Market Street
Redding, CA 96001
Toll Free: 888-466-0661
Tel: (530) 244-1944
Fax: (530) 244-0740


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