This is a question for a Case Cat user or Eclipse user or both. I will be editing someone's transcript who is using Case CATlyst, but I have Eclipse. How do I avoid messing with her layout, margins, etc. I would like her transcript to remain intact. I know I can set my settings to match hers, but that's too much. What can I tell her to do when she imports the transcript back into Case? We will be using RTF import/export. Thanks to anyone who can answer this.

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I would suggest setting up a folder for her specifically in your Eclipse system so that when you pick up her document in your system you can then save her settings under ALT + U. It's really pretty simple. You are correct for tranferring the files as rtf's. As long as you save the wave file and the text file in the same folder for her, you should be all set to go. It might be a good idea to send a test run from her to you and then back again before you actually get the real deal. Trust me, I was an ambitious scopists eager to take on any job and I learned the hard way that a test run is very important when it comes to other CAT systems and new clients. I actually would love to swap notes with you. I still have a lot of learning to do on this system and would appreciate some helpful hints to get through transcripts a lot quicker.
Thank you very much for your timely response. If I can answer any questions for YOU, please let me know. I'm just getting into scoping and proofing, but I know a good deal about technology. So if I don't know the answer outright, I'm usually resourceful enough to find the right answer or direct you to it.

Thanks so much.

So, let me make sure I understand you correctly: You are saying that when she sends the RTF file, I can immediately save THOSE settings into my system? How do I do that? Will it keep her margins and everything set as is? I know I sound crazy, but I'm just trying to get this right. Ha ha. Answer back.
No problem at all. I wish I had a resource center such as csr nation when I started scoping 2 years ago. I guess it doesn't help that I just sort of learned by reading the eclipse manual and trial and error. I bought my CAT system from a scopist online and was naive in knowing that I couldn't get tech support with my system. So I had to self teach. Anywho, we'll chat about that one day. BTW, how did you become a scopists?

To answer your question: When in Eclipse, select ALt +U and you should get to the settings menu. Choose "create new user" and select "yes". Then follow the prompts. Once the new user folder is created, save the rtf file and the wave file into that folder. Go back into ALT + U and select the reporter's new user folder. Click on load settings, then save settings. This should do it.

Test it out by having him/her send you a short transcript to make sure the audio syncs, the margins are cool, etc... Then all you have to do once you make few changes to the test transcript is convert it to rtf and email it back to him/her. Since the reporter already has the original wave file, you don't have to send the wave file back. Once he/she gets the text it should sync back up with his/her CAT system's audio no problem.

Let me know how it turns out.

P.S. Add me to your friend's list.
Okay. This is great! Thank you very much. Actually, I'm on here as "tphaeulz". That's my screen name. This is my friend Art's page that I'm sending you these posts on. So I'll send you a friend invite from my page in a few minutes. Look for it.

Anyway, this was so helpful.
I read this reply, and I think it answers my question. I just want to make sure. So you can import an .rtf file and a .wav file from another CAT system into Eclipse? I'm thinking of changing software. I only lease StenoCAT, so when my year is up, I will have to import jobs into Eclipse to be able to produce a transcript.
Yes. That's what's so great about Eclipse - it allows you to produce transcripts from most CAT systems without a hitch.

In essence, if you are scoping/proofreading the reporter would save his/her text file as an rtf file and then email it to you to whatever email depository you prefer to use (csrnation, T3, Usendit, Whalemail) The wave file can be emailed as is because a wave file is common among all computers - CAT systems are unique and must be neutralized by saving it as an rtf. By the way, you should have the reporter send both the text file and the wave file to a depository such as csrnation, Whalemail, T3, Usendit, etc... That is because most commercial email systems can't handle the size of our transcripts/wave files, etc... (Sorry if I am telling you something you already know, I'm just covering all areas of info I can think of).

Once you receive the email or emails, just make sure you save them both to same folder and you are good to go. Simple open them up and voila' - you can start scoping with your audio already synced up.

Hope this helps.


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