message just received regarding ER -- maybe we can help

Good Afternoon all,

Pat Hahn has asked that I send this to you all and to please call the
Senator's Office. Please read below !

Thank you


CCRA Alert


URGENT: We need every reporter to make a phone call to Senator Sheila
Kuehl's office immediately. The digital recording proposal is being
heard this afternoon in the Budget Conference Committee. There is not a
bill number. Senator Kuehl is not on the Budget Conference Committee;
however, her support is important to defeat the digital recording

Please indicate the following:

* I am a court reporter (if official, where you work and union

* If the digital recording proposal under consideration were
implemented, more than 600 court reporters around the state would be out
of work. (SHORT sentence to personalize -- single mom with # kids to
feed, sole support of family, taking care of elderly parent, etc.)

* There is not a shortage of court reporters.

* Court reporters contribute more than $200,000 every year to
assist indigent litigants with the purchase of court transcripts
through the Transcript Reimbursement Fund, which is funded by our court
reporter license fees. We do our part to provide access to justice for

REMEMBER: Keep it short and courteous.

Senator Sheila Kuehl -
Los Angeles office (310) 441-9084
Oxnard office (805) 486-3776
Sacramento office (916) 651-4023

Lesia Mervin

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