I currently have two transcripts where the word agendize is coming up. I can't find it in my dictionary, or the searchmaster site. They are using it in the context of something put on an agenda. Is there such a word? What should I write?

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According to this link, "agendize" is okay: Proz.com
Thank you so much!
Making a verb out of a noun. Agendize is certainly better than agenderize or some such! How about "the agendafication of the appointment." ha!
How about putting [sic] after it? That's what my proofer has recommended in similar situations. I guess it shows that you know it isn't a word and that it's not your typographical error but is, in fact, what was spoken.

On the other hand, some people feel it's like pointing out an attorney's mistake and could be insulting.
Hi, Sharla. I just finished a transcript where I had to put [sic] in twice for obvious errors when an atty was speaking, and I didn't want the reader to think that they were MY errors. But I always cringe when I have to do that, especially on a word like "agendize," because the speaker obviously thinks it's a real word. I guess if they say it, it IS a real word, huh? I worry and fret about the [sic] for the reason you point out ... that the atty (the CLIENT paying the bill!) will think the reporter is pointing out their ignorance, and they'd be embarrassed, so I use [sic] sparingly. Understatement of the year: We worry too much!

I've done a lot of state hearings. "Agendize" comes up very frequently. I think in the world of hearings, it is a real word. I don't use (sic) on that one. I think it's one of those words that someone made up, it caught on, and it has now become the "word of the day" in state hearings.



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