I hope I'm using the right term.  I'm wanting to set it up where Aristocat automatically puts the times when the depo starts and ends.  I wondered if anyone know how to do this.  It's something I've wanted to do for a long time, and I've never stopped long enough to do it.  If you know how to do this, let me know.

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I have AristCAT too.  I didn't know of anyone else who had it! 


I copied this from the user's manual included in the program.....


Using Time Stamps

The time stamps can be printed on a transcript using both the regular size and the

condensed transcript or put in an ASCII file. Before the time stamps can be printed or put

in an ASCII file, they must be first applied to the edited work file. To apply the time

stamps to an edited work file do the following:

1. First make sure you have not checked the "No Time Stamps" box on the real-time options

screen so that you have the time stamp file (.tim). You can also get a time stamp file for

some writers (Stentura, Fusion, elan Mira) when you read the note file in the Read Notes

program. You must have time stamps Enabled on your writer for this to work.


2. Open any .WRK file in the Edit program. Left-click the Edit menu option at the top of the

Edit screen, then left-click the Preferences menu option. Now look for the "Time Stamps"

settings. Click the Help button for an explanation of the various Edit Preferences options.


3. After you have set your time stamp preferences, each time you save out of edit, the time

stamps will be applied to the edit file. Note that at any time you can change the time

stamp preferences and when you save of the edit file, the time stamps will be applied with

the new preferences.


4. Now when you print the transcript (either regular or condensed) or make an ASCII file you

can elect to print the time stamps or apply them to the ASCII file. Note that for each of the

programs, Print, Multipag and ASCII, you must check a box to print the time stamps.


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