Anyone using this yet?  Good?  Bad? 

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It had a lot of problems when it first came out.  We had to send them back to be reprogrammed.  Some reporters had to send them back several times.

If you use Case Catalyst, it works now.  I have used it the past month on realtime jobs to multiple attorneys with no issues.  I heard there is still an issue with Eclipse software; so I'd wait if you're on Eclipse.  And I think there still might be a problem if you're on Digital Cat but don't quote me on that one.

Oh, great.  I'm on Eclipse.  I have been doing a trial they want realtime on, and I can't string my cables all over so I wasn't able to provide it.  There's a week off and then on again.  I need it to work by then!

I would not hold your breath waiting and count on it to work by then.  Since Techcon in February when they displayed the EZ Send and Audio2Me, their wireless microphone, they have consistently made promises and not kept them as to when these products would be available and that they would work.  There are a lot of angry reporters out there with the EZ Send that doesn't work.  I would not buy it unless you are on CaseCat and until the reporters on Eclipse finally report that it has been fixed and working.  I just consider myself lucky that I am on the software that it works with.

The one wireless realtime product of theirs that works and that has been always reliable is the Stenocast Red, the item they discontinued for the EZ Send.  If you find someone selling it and don't want to wait for them to fix the EZ Send, that's a great product.  I had the Red before and never had a problem.  (I decided to go with the EZ Send because it's smaller and I wanted the updated features.)

Lisa, what are the updated features of EZ Send other than it being smaller and having a bigger screen to see how many/type of connections? Oh, and that latecomers could get the complete transcript downloaded.

I finally broke down and got the RED early this year. I'm on Eclipse, so I'm glad I at least got that before they discontinued it. I find the RED to be very reliable too. Only problem I've had is the hanging/semi-freezing, but I'm thinking that somehow has to do with my wireless mouse when I use it while realtiming with the StenoCast system.  I don't have the freezing of my laptop when I use the wireless mouse without Stenocast connected.

Being 40% smaller was, honestly, the biggest draw for me.  With all the stuff we carry, any time something comes out that is smaller and lighter, I will upgrade to it.  And latecomers being able to get a complete transcript is a big draw as well.

Other features are being able to send to 14 computers and you can mix and match sending refresh and/or standard protocols.  If you need to send to more than 14 computers, you can daisy chain another EZ Send and connect another 14.  Yeah, I know.  I wish!  I find the new readout much more helpful telling you how many are connected and what kind of protocol is connected.  The Red is vague.  It just says connected and you're not sure which computers are.  It makes troubleshooting easier. 

If those features aren't vital to you, the Red is just fine.  But I really, really wanted something smaller and something to allow latecomers to get the full transcript; so that's why I got it.

I have the Stenocast Edge.  I have had nothing but problems with it.  now they tell me they discontinued it.  very frustrating

Their product that replaced the Edge is the Me2Me.   I have only heard good things about it and that it is very reliable.

What is the cost?

Of the EZ Send?  It's $400.  Same as the Red was.

The Stenocast RED has been working fairly reliably for me, I bought it in January, except for one issue that keeps cropping up and I was wondering if anyone else had this problem....on a couple of heavy realtime jobs I've been on and using all 7 of the adapters, 6 of them will connect and one will not read in.  If I unplug it or reboot, sometimes they all will start working, or sometimes it will jump to a DIFFERENT adapter, so 6 will still be working but now a 7th one is not working again.  Anybody?  LOL.

If anyone has the old serial receiver that Stenocast used to sell, please contact me at 205-568-3039.  In the Northern District of Alabama, we cannot download or load a driver on the Judges' computers.  They all have Dell's with XP and built-in serial port.  In order to use Stenocast, I have to plug in a receiver.  IT won't allow that and the serial receiver works around that problem, but Stenocast doesn't sell it anymore. 

Any update on this product? Anyone getting it to work with Eclipse?



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