Heard a rumor and finally found proof.  See attached link.  Alexander Gallo (formerly with Esquire) has now opened Discovery Litigation Services in Jacksonville, Florida; Atlanta, Georgia; and Fresno, California.

Just thought we should all be aware of who is actually who out there in our world.


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Thanks, Diana, for keeping us posted on this.  Never can be too informed about these things.


Here's the new website.  I feel kind of sorry for all other court reporting agencies with the word "Discovery" in their name.

Me too.


Thanks for posting.  I received an e-mail from the new owner of Esquire the other day.  He stated in his e-mail that Mr. Gallo is doing things unethical, i.e., like contacting clients of Esquire to go over to his new firm, which may end up in a court situation.  Once Mr. Gallo took over Esquire, I started hearing from the attorneys how they hate Esquire, so hopefully they will know it really wasn't Esquire, but Mr. Gallo, and won't go to his new agency.

I saw that email too.  It said Gallo was taking Esquire's employees.  Didn't say their clients.  Got a lot of opinion on that email, but I'll keep it to myself.  Just want to be sure we're aware of who is who.  I know I took some work from what I thought was a great firm back in 2010.  I was horrified to find out who I really worked for when the 1099 showed up with the firm name followed by:  "A subsidiary of ...."  I thought they were pretty sneaky, and I believe they hid the fact of who they really were knowing that many of us would have never worked for them had we known.  This had nothing to do with Esquire/Gallo/whoever they are this week, it's just the reason I was inspired to post this.

Yes, you're right, it does say employees, not clients, my mistake. 


Not a problem.  The first time I read that email I thought they meant clients too. 

Just got my first call from Discovery Litigation for a job tomorrow.  Question is, do I ignore or do I call back and say I will never work for Alexander Gallo?  Do I call Esquire and tell them that Mr. Gallo took my information with him, which I personally do not think he has a right to.  


I'd tell them.  I worked for a company that bought out another agency.  The owner of the agency that was bought out remained with the acquirer for a time, then left, started another company, and had the scheduler redirecting clients to the other agency.  I spoke up. 

How about calling them and telling them you are happy to take the job from them but not for them.  As for your information, who knows what they agreed upon with regard to reporter contact information--if even addressed.

We did receive an e-mail from the new owner of Esquire, and in that e-mail he stated he offered Mr. Gallo to stay on, don't really know all the details, but the memo also stated that Mr. Gallo decided not to and was calling Esquire employees, which there was an agreement that he could not.   I know we all need to work and make money, but I just cannot be associated with any company that did not pay their non-employee reporters, videographers, et cetera, when you know they received the money, but for some reason the bankruptcy judge said they didn't have to.  I used to work for Esquire before Mr. Gallo purchased them, and once Mr. Gallo purchased the company, things changed dramatically for the reporters.  It even got to the point where I started having attoreys tell me how much they do not like Esquire or their reporters, but they said they liked me and I did good work.  I just don't want to be associated with a firm that has very bad ethics, no matter how bad I need to work.  Obviously if I was single and didn't have another income I would work just to survive.


Oh, I agree--I would not be associated with them, ever--and long before this bankruptcy hit and people were not getting paid.  But I would not just say no--I would take the job from them and not for them and then they are out of the loop; I deal directly with the attorneys from that point on and nothing goes to Gallo (the old-school way).  Now, chances are they will get someone to take it and chances are if they don't, they'll give it away to the person they are speaking to last, when they are really desperate.  Don't be associated with them, I agree--but take the job off their hands if you happen to be the last resort.  If you do not do your own production, I am sure a court reporting agency you work with on a regular basis will be more than happy to negotiate with you on getting the job out, and with your name, not theirs.  They would need to bill it, of course.  If you don't have a reporting firm contact like that, call Court Reporters Clearinghouse http://www.crctexas.com/ or Court Reporting & Management Services http://www.courtreportingmgt.com/court-reporter-reporters-reporting... and see if they can assist you.  You may have your own agency or do you own production and don't need production--but these companies allow any reporter to build their own client base or say, "I will take it from you, not for you."  Sweet.


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