I've been italicizing when certain things are supposed to be italicized.  However, I have since learned that even when your txt file has it italicized, once the agency produces it through E-transcript or whatever, it is no longer that way.


I've always seen that the txt file doesn't have the underlining, but I can definitely see that my txt file has italized characters, so I just assumed that it carried over.


So, if that's the case, what are you doing in your transcripts instead -- quotation marks?

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I don't use any of it. I'll use quotes if there is a quote of text, but the names of books, etc., I don't bother with that stuff.  I got an E-transcript from another reporter the other day and wherever she wrote resume with the accent mark above the "e" it blacked it out through the whole transcript.  That's what the attorney got.  Don't go there!!  Just do it regular because with the sophisticated technology out there, you never know what's coming out the other end!!

Also, I underline INDEX on my index page but when I put it in ASCII format, the underline doesn't show up I've noticed.  Waste of time I guess.

Same as Kelli.  Sent in a transcript once with resume all through it with the accent mark -- atty had a fit because when she printed it from my ASCII, I think it just said "resum."  I don't do any underlining, bolding, italicizing, etc.  This is court reporting, not book publishing.  I don't see the need.

I felt like I was a really bad reporter when I didn't know the difference when to use all those different things and also wasn't doing it in realtime either - it would be a simple macro to Italicize something or change the font - but I SO agree with Kelli and Deborah on this.  They said it very well!  And no, we're not publishers and this isn't the Times they're reading.  Doesn't transfer to the ascii anyway.  Indeed, why bother?



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